Monday, September 25, 2017

Sweet Bees

Sometime near the end of July Kathy, of Kathy's Quilts, the same Kathy who hosts Slow Sunday Stitching every week, posted photos of a mini quilt she'd made using the fabric in this post.  What a sweet little quilt it was.

The very next Sunday, her post commemorated five years of hosting Slow Sunday Stitching and she offered a giveaway of the fabrics she'd used for her mini quilt to two people.  I was surprised and thrilled to be one of them.

About a week and a half ago they arrived in my mailbox.  Pure delight!  If I had to choose a favorite graphic style, these would be it.  I love the vintage-style drawings, the decorative fonts, and the beautiful embellishments.

These are Deb Strain fabrics.  Each individual printed block is 5" square.  Kathy also sent pieces of gold print fabric, one with bees and the other with honeycombs.  (I think my photographs are slightly less vibrant than the fabrics in real life.)  They are all beautiful.

I don't know if I'll make a small quilt like Kathy's or use them in some other way.  For now, I'm just enjoying them and beeing grateful.  Thank you, Kathy.  I appreciate your generosity.



  1. What a sweet thing to do. I really like them, and there are a couple of lines of fabric that would go into quilts nicely with them. =)

    1. Yes, very sweet. I think the color of gold in the fabric Kathy sent is the gold I keep searching for and can't find (at least not in reproduction fabric where I think it should be). I'll have to explore a little more and see what I can find.

  2. Oh, Nancy I love these with the butterflies and bees and what a lovely thing to get! So much inspiration.

    1. It was a delight to find that these fabrics were coming my way, Jocelyn, and they are even more wonderful in real life than in the photos. I think I might hang them on my wall while I decide what to do with them.

  3. Great fabrics!! Congrats. I know you'll have fun with them.

    1. Thanks, Jennie. Even if I never used them for a quilt, they are great fun to look at. But I expect I will making something with them one of these days.

  4. So happy you like them and hope they find their way into one of your wonderful projects!

    1. I do like them, Kathy. In fact I love them -- maybe so much that I'll hesitate to cut into them.... Thank you so much for giving them to me. I appreciate it.


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