Saturday, September 21, 2013

A No Sewing Day

My daughter called last night and told me she and our grandbaby would be coming to visit next weekend for a few days.  (Her husband's staying home to do some uninterrupted home improvement projects.)

I was (and am) thrilled!  But then I started thinking about a 15-month-old toddling around our home and all the interesting and potentially dangerous things he could find (uh-oh!) as well as the lack of clear work surfaces in the room where the sewing machine and computer are.

I have these partially finished blocks laying on the ironing board waiting for a decision about connecting strips and center blocks...

... piles like these sitting near my cutting mat, and ...
... this stack of fabrics sitting in a basket on the floor.

I don't even want to take photos of the rest of the room with all the folded fabric on tables and beside my sewing machine waiting to be cut and put away.  All of this (above) doesn't even touch on the pins, pincushions, needles, and scissors I have in several rooms. 

So today I've been trying to cut fabric for three (three!) quilts in progress so I can put the fabric away.

(untitled but they make me thing of red birds)
(red and green circles and squares)
(red and green squares and triangles)
I know I'm crazy to have so many projects going on at the same time.  (Since I had the red and green out for one project, it made sense -- at the time -- to cut for all the quilts rather than getting the fabric out again.)  I'm great at multitasking on different activities at the same time but I don't do quite so well working on several similar projects at the same time.  And I'm a slow worker.  I fear that at least one of these will be left behind, forgotten.  (Perhaps posting about them will jog my memory later and keep up my enthusiasm for all three.)  I also want to choose and stitch fabric for the back of the plaid churn dash quilt, then get it layered this week so I can begin quilting.

If worse comes to worst, I can close the door to this room while Malachi's awake and exploring. 

Ahh, but it will be such fun to have the little fellow and his mom here for a few days.  He's easy-going, cuddly, kissable, and loads of fun.

I hope you're getting lots of sewing time in today.



  1. I can't wait to have a grand child. I immediately thought of cardinals when I saw the picture of the first quilt in progress.

    1. Hi, Diana --
      I wasn't sure about having a grandchild/being a grandmother but it's a lot of fun. He doesn't live close enough to see him but about once/month but it's still good. Yes, me, too: cardinals.

  2. So many projects? hehe Three doesn't seem like very many to me these days! When you're in the mood to work with certain colors it absolutely does make sense. Enjoy your time with your family. Always time to quilt later.

    1. I was thinking about you, Audrey, when I was making the list of in-progress quilts, knowing that you often have many more than three going at the same time. And you make such good progress on all of them! I seem to lose interest in a quilt if I put it away for too long. I hope that doesn't happen this time. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  3. Hello Blogging Friend...Isn't it nice to have cooler weather now that 'Fall' is here.   The changing season isn't the only thing happening in Blogland.  Here on CollectInTexas Gal, I've done a bit of a 'MakeOver' and added a BlogShop.   I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you over for a 'LookSee'.  Just click on the signature link below...hope to see you there.
    Sue CollectInTexas BlogShop


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