Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Visit Your Local Fabric Store Day

My daughter gave me this sweet little 2014 Susan Branch calendar for Christmas.

I like to have a small one near the computer and at 7" square this one is just perfect.  There is a delightful main drawing for each month and additional drawings and quotes on the tiny, 7/8" x 1 1/8" date squares.

After I took the cover off, I began reading the tiny writing in the date squares.  Imagine my surprise when I saw this on January 23:

No way!  Visit my local fabric store on my birthday?!!!  What a delightful invitation.  Maybe I will -- if it's not too cold!   

I hope you have a fun visit to your local fabric store tomorrow.



  1. Well that sounds like the PERFECT way to spend your birthday! Happy Birthday! May your day be filled with all the things that bring you joy!

  2. Happy birthday, what a great calender!

  3. Wonderful! I think I'll celebrate that too!

  4. With all the on line shopping these days, it's nice to support local shops. Enjoy your visit and happy birthday!


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