Sunday, March 1, 2015

Staying Indoors

by Jean Edouard VuillardWe're having more snow today--enough that church was cancelled.  Sundays (and the rest of the week) just aren't the same when I can't go to church.

I think the colors in this painting  are beautiful.  Some of the pieces of linen I've collected are in this color range.  A linen quilt is in mental progress, pondering quilt patterns, colors, and color placement.  One of these days....

I hope you having a great day despite the lionishness of this March 1.  Since it's come in like a lion, I hope March goes out like a lamb.



  1. Well y'all just stay safe. Indoors is a good place to be when mother nature rears her snowy head. The colors in that picture ARE calm and peaceful.

  2. I am hoping for that lamb as well. Stay cozy, safe, and warm!


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