Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Binding Stitched -- a Finish!

I gravitated to sewing the binding on this quilt (for whole photo see this post) while recovering from surgery.  I'm beyond pleased:  it's my first finish in many months.  (But don't look too closely at the photo or you'll see a section of quilting that's either come out or that I missed.  I fixed it as soon as I noticed it in the photo.)  I'll tell more about this quilt when I write a post for Julie's Binding Blitz and A Lovely Year of Finishes.

After the binding was sewn I started working on other things, stitching I could do while resting -- those scrappy squares with the applique, mostly -- but not organizing the containers of scraps.  Hah!  Wouldn't you know I could put those off a little longer without any remorse.

Thanks for visiting.  (Continue reading if you want an update on my surgery.)

Patient Notes 
The surgery was a success and the pain has been minimal, but I was battered about in the hospital.  Nearly everyone involved in my care ignored the bright red allergy band on my wrist and the notes in my chart indicting an allergy to adhesives on my skin.  The doctor used some protective sheet or layer around the surgery site which she stuck to my skin and which left 2" wide strips of welts.  And the incisions are layered with adhesive tape under which is flaming red skin.  Besides that those leg huggers (or whatever they're called) left little "brands" on my legs.  None of these problems are end-of-the-world horrible but inconvenient just the same. 

The outcome of the surgery is that I have granulosa cell tumor, a kind of slow growing cancer.  Or maybe I should say had since the body part with the cancer cells was removed.  It's possible the cancer spread and to determine that I will have CT scans and blood tests.  My husband and I were both surprised and he's not taking it very well.  Whatever happens will be fine -- maybe not easy, but fine. 

On another note, I have this weighty question:  How can a person drink only water for 24 hours, drink nothing for another 16 hours, have body parts removed, eat less than a day's food over two days, AND gain 5 pounds?!!!  Isn't that crazy?!

I'm linking this post to Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and  LAFF (Link a Finish Friday) at Richard and Tanya Quilts, and Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.  Thanks, Kelly, Sarah, Richard, Tanya, and AmandaJean.

I hope you have a great day,

P.S.  Don't forget to come back Sunday through Thursday to link a post about your quilty inspiration.



  1. I'm glad to hear that your recovery is coming along reasonably well. I'll definitely be praying that the cancer had not spread, that they got it all, and that you will continue to recover well. I'll also be praying that your husband will find comfort and peace as he comes to terms with this.

  2. I'm glad you are recovering well and finding satisfying projects to work on - nothing like a finish to boost feelings of well-being. I hope that all the tests show that you don't need any further treatment and that while you are waiting you and your husband are sustained by God's loving presence.

  3. My husband had some surgery back in August and he retained a lot of fluid during that time, even though he ate almost nothing for 8 days! It amounted to about 12 pounds, but it came off pretty quickly, so I hope yours does too. That is so discouraging! Hope you enjoy some restful stitching while you recuperate.

  4. Clever to plan so you had something you could do while resting. Makes me think about my mom talking about her grandma who darned socks "while resting." I looked back to see the whole quilt--lovely colors. claire aka

  5. Your body went into protection mode and kept everything even fluids.

    1. Oh, so that's what happened! I guess a body would want to protect itself from being cut into, huh? Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.


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