Thursday, January 28, 2016

Friends, Followers, and Google Friend Connect

Google is making some changes to blogger again.  This time they're discontinuing Google Friend Connect for those who do not have Google accounts.  I didn't think this would effect me too much but I've noticed that I have fewer friends now than a few weeks ago.  So if you'd like to be my friend and follower through Google Friend Connect, you'll need to create a Google account, come to my blog, and click to become a friend.  If you don't, I know I will miss you!

Many people follow blogs with a reader these days.  Some of the popular ones are bloglovin', feedly, and The Old Reader.  And I know others receive emails every time a new post is published.

I usually read blog posts with feedly and sometimes with bloglovin' but I jump over to blogs to leave comments.  I love Google Friend Connect and seeing the friendly faces and fun little images of followers in my sidebar and your sidebars when I visit your blogs.  I hope you'll choose to continue to follow joy for grace or, if you're new, choose to begin following it with your Google account.

If you have a blogger blog and want to learn more you can read the post about Google Friend Connect changes here.

As always, thanks for visiting!



  1. I have literally just been investigating this myself. I thought I had become a social pariah!

  2. I have been reading about this today and have already included this link in my post for tomorrow! (Great minds think alike.) This is really irritating me as I have lost almost 100 followers so far.

  3. Just made sure I don't loose touch with you Nancy by clicking the bloglovin button ☺


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