Saturday, June 4, 2016

#BraveQuilter in June at Pink Doxies

I'm claiming this basket block as my #BraveQuilter challenge for June.  The only parts appliqued in this photo are the basket and stems.  The rest of the pieces are either paper or fabric.  Layout of the stems (and therefore, to some extend, the flowers) is set, layout of the leaves is not.

I'm thinking of this as a brave effort for several reasons.

This is the largest applique I've ever tired.  It is in the 21" x 24" range.  Am I crazy to think I can keep it flat?

I'm working without a plan for the completed quilt.  I usually have a vague idea what I imagine a finished quilt might look like, but not this time.  This is part of the Gwen-Inspired Medallion Quilt Along at Humble Quilts.  We'll be told the "theme" for each new border at the beginning of each month.  We can choose how we interpret the theme, colors, etc., but still, there's no plan.  Ahh, I'm shaking in my shoes over this one.

And the borders!  I struggle with borders.  I just added three borders to a quilt and barely succeeded in keeping them flat, and only one was pieced.  How will I manage borders on this quilt?  (There will be four!)   

I'm feeling just a little trepidation as I continue appliqueing this basket and flower block.  I'll report back at the end of the month.

I'm linking this post to #Brave Quilter June Linky at Pink Doxies.  Thanks for creating and hosting this challenge, Julie.



  1. I hope you learn a lot from the quilt along - I just read katyquilts post about her basket appliqué. Sounds like you've both risen to a new challenge and created beautiful centres for your medallion quilts ☺

    1. I have a feeling I'll either learn a lot or quit after round one. I'm not usually a quitter but this just might be too big a project for me at my level of experience. I hope it becomes a good learning experience, though. Yes, I noticed Katy's post. It sounds like we are coming from about the same spot. Thanks for your encouragement, Allison. I appreciate it.

  2. Encouraging to read that someone has problems with keeping a quilt with borders flat too!! Enjoy your big applique and I am sure you keepit flat this time.

    1. It sounds like we are both having the same problem, Maaartje. I was successful once before so I hope I can be this time, too. I hope you can, too! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  3. What a lovely block! I understand your trepidation, and applaud your bravery! You can do this!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I appreciate your encouragement.

  4. Nancy, I hear your bravery in your post already! You do have a lot of unknowns going on with this, but slow and steady. I have to admit I didn't realize keeping an applique block flat was even an issue so I've learned an interesting tidbit by just your introduction here. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes for you, and please let us know anything else that would help out some other new appliquers, would you?

    Thanks for being part of the #BraveQuilter link up for June.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

    1. Yes, Julie, slow and steady, but not too slow. There's only a month to finish that first border!

      My experience with hand applique is that the background fabric can stretch out of shape (especially on the diagonal and cross biases) as one stitches down the motif on the top. Mine did stretch out of shape a little and I found that pressing it with a damp/wet towel on top helped to pull the fabric back to its original smooth shape. There are two spaces where the stitching is smooth but the background fabric buckles a little. I'm going to leave it and hope I can quilt those two spots into the batting and background. Fabric's flexibility always amazes me.

      Thank you for your words of encouragement, Julie. I appreciate them.

  5. What a lovely block you have started here. I have never done a medallion quilt but it is on my to do list. I like the idea of a theme each month for the next border. Good luck with your challenge.

    1. Thank you, Abigail. I've never done a medallion quilt, either, so I especially appreciate your wishes for good luck with it. I think I will need it!

      I visited your blog today. It is beautiful an delightful. I began following on both bloglovin' and feedly. I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming posts.


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