Thursday, July 14, 2016

Life Interrupted

The regular rhythm and routines of our lives have been interrupted this week (and will be for weeks to come).  My husband had a heart attack on Tuesday and has been in the hospital since then having tests and being monitored.  He's scheduled for triple bypass surgery on Monday.  He and I mutually agree that being the patient and being the caregiver are equally difficult and stressful, but in different ways.  He was caregiver when I had hip replacement surgeries a dozen years ago.  Now it's my turn.

Sewing a few (almost) mindless blocks is relaxing during times like this.  I began these weeks ago -- chose the colors, decided the size -- but until I sew more and lay them out I won't know if they will work for their intended purpose.  (They are paler in real life than in the photograph.)

improv log cabin blocks

These rust-colored flowers at the far side of the hospital parking lot caught my eye as I walked toward the entrance. 

On the way out I stopped to take a closer look . It wasn't until then that I realized they were orange and maroon/purple/violet.
I doubt I would ever have put those two colors together, but I might now.

I've had to pick up the Buckeye Beauty blocks.  My older daughter, her husband, and their three little ones are coming to visit this weekend.  I know she wants to see her father and I couldn't tell her not to come.  Many years ago my own father went into the hospital on a Thursday having suffered from a heart attack.  I was 8 months pregnant at the time but intended to visit him that weekend.  My mom insisted we not come, that we wait and see.  My father died the following Monday.  I believe my husband will be fine but I would never tell either of my daughters not to visit in a situation like this.

While sitting with my husband at the hospital or waiting while he has tests, I am stitching the binding to the back of the Red Wings quilt.  (I find it difficult to just sit.)  At least I will have accomplished one goal this month.

If you leave a comment I will respond but it may take me a few days or a week longer than usual.

Happy quilting to you!



  1. You'll all be in my thoughts these next few days and weeks. Stitch away your stress and apprehension. Emily X

    1. Thank you, Emily. I appreciate your thoughts.

  2. Oh, dear Nancy! I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's heart attack. Please know that you are both in my prayers. Do not worry about commenting back - you have more pressing matters at hand. I will be thinking of you as you both await his surgery and begin his recovery. Handwork is a good way to keep those hands busy.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Karin. They were a blessing to us.

      I agree that handwork is great for times like this, but now that I've finished stitching a binding I don't have another handwork project ready. This is a good reason to keep plenty of UFOs of all kinds on hand, right? LOL.

  3. Nancy, you and your husband will be in my prayers! I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but happy knowing that your quilting will help keep your mind from going crazy. I know you have good friends to surround and support you as well. Will watch for updates!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Teresa. We appreciate them. I'm not a worrier (just a pray-er) but I do sometimes feel stressed and hand work is definitely a stress-reducer.

  4. Prayers going out for your husband's quick recovery!

    1. Thank you so much, Loretta. We appreciate them.

  5. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your husband, and prayers for you as the caregiver.

    1. Thank you for your prayers for both of us, Kevin. We appreciate them.

  6. Oh my, Nancy, what curve balls we get in life sometimes! I will be praying for you and your husband to have the strength to get through this.
    And after your own experience with your Father, of course you couldn't tell your daughter not to come.
    Like you, I can't just "sit". When my Mom had an extended hospital stay a couple of years ago I took handwork. Problem was, she wanted the lights in her room so low, I couldn't see to do it.
    That is such an interesting flower. Come to think of it--I have put purple and orange together in a quilt, along with black and white. I do like it.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Janet. I told someone else I'm not a worrier, just a pray-er (because there's nothing I can do about the outcome anyway) but it is stressful and I really appreciate the prayers for strength.

      My daughter and her family weren't able to come after all: their car died. I think she's hoping to come this week instead.

      I'm not one to just sit so it would have been really hard for me if I had been in your situation with your mom with the lights low. The light hasn't been the best at the hospital but I can see to stitch. Unfortunately I'm out of hand work projects at the moment. I should have had more UFOs on hand. We work at preparedness but hand work had never crossed my mind in that context until now. LOL.

      I would love to see your purple, orange, black, and white quilt, Janet. I'm sure it's stunning.

      Thank you again for your prayers. We appreciate them.

  7. I hope you are holding up alright. My thoughts go out to you and your husband. It is good you have your pinks to work on-those are soft and restful colors. I will be watching your blog for your husband's progress!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts for us, Pam. I am holding up, though it's stressful. Yes, the pinks/lights/creams are calm colors.

  8. Prayers for the very best possible outcome for your dear husband. I so admire your strength during such trying times as this. God bless you!

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Vic. This is a challenging time and, unfortunately, I'm not feeling quite as strong as I did at the beginning of last week when it first happened. I suppose I'll be doing almost as much resting as him by the time we're halfway through his recuperation. Ha.

      Thanks for your kind thoughts. I appreciate them.

  9. I hope your husband will recuperate quickly.I had the same thing happen with my father and they told me not to come. It was so frustrating. My father made it through, I'm sorry you didn't have the same outcome. All the best!!!

    1. Thank you, Robin. Now that he's through the surgery I'm sure he'll continue to improve, though perhaps a little more slowly than I thought. Of course it's only the second day after surgery....

      It was good your father made it through and you were able to see him again. I'm sure my mom had my comfort in mind, it just didn't work out like she planned.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  10. Oh Nancy, I'll certainly be praying for your husband's recovery and your peace and patience while you care for him. I'm sure your quilting will help you through this difficult time.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. We appreciate the prayers. I especially appreciate the prayer for patience while I care for him. In fact, it may be the most needed prayer: he can sometimes be super cautious and hesitant after surgery and sometimes just ignores doctor's orders. Yes, please, patience! LOL.

      I'm short on handwork at the moment, which is probably the most calming thing I can do. I'll try to get something together later tonight.

      Thank you again.

  11. Don't even think about responding. I'm sorry that your husband had this heart attack, but grateful it wasn't fatal. It was a blessing in disguise, if he needs a triple bypass. I'm sure the surgery will help him have many more years with you. I know you will be run off your feet for a while, but try to trust in the healing that is coming. Hugs for you.


    1. Though definitely a blessing, I'm sorry he had the heart attack, too. But I should have guessed it was coming considering the way he eats and mostly ignores exercise. The doctor said the bypass should give him at least 10 more years, so that's good. (Though I'm not sure how good it is to have a time frame to anticipate the end....)

      Yes, I think I will be busy when he comes home but it will be better (I hope) than going back and forth to the hospital.

  12. Heart attacks are serious and I sincerely hope they can help your husband; what with modern methods I'm sure they will be able to. Hang in there and keep stitching. It calms the mind.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. It was a blessing that it wasn't more serious. I am amazed at modern medicine and technology and the things doctors are able to do to prolong life. I need to get together some applique project that I can carry along and quietly stitch while I sit with him at the hospital. Thanks for your encouraging words, Jocelyn. I appreciate them.


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