Sunday, August 7, 2016

I Am Lost - Slow Sunday Stitching

I am lost without handwork to do.  I enjoy it, but more, I need it for its ability to let me sit while, at the same time, accomplishing something and to give me time to think while I do a (mostly) mindless activity. 

The last handwork I had prepared before my husband's bout in the hospital was stitching the binding to the back of a quilt.  Now that I've finished that I have nothing in the que:  no quilt layered and pinned and not not even a backing ready; no applique pattern already cut and ready to stitch, nor one in mind, either.  In fact, I don't even have any hand mending. 

The best I can come up with today is some unstitching of blocks partially stitched by another quilter who decided she didn't want them.  I have nothing in particular in mind for these, I just know I won't use them as they are.

Though I have no slow stitching, I can imagine myself nestled into a comfortable chair, slowly stitching . . . .

And I hope I'll have some hand work ready by the end of this week.  I hope!

Wishing you a peaceful, restful Sabbath.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.



  1. Hello There!
    How nice that you are "all caught up" on your hand sewing! I signed up for Wild Olive's Embroider Around the House Stitching Club and am truly enjoying it. Slow Stitching Sundays have truly blessed me. I know what you mean by picturing yourself nestled in a chair slow stitching. It's.....peaceful.....

    1. Hi, Mia -

      I hadn't thought of it as all caught up, I guess because I still have things to stitch but they're just not ready to be stitched at the moment. I have enjoyed Slow Stitching Sundays, too.

  2. Hoping you find your perfect handwork project soon! I too must always have something ready and in process to pick up and sit quickly stitching each day. I don't always get to it, but it is comforting to know it is there. Your husband is doing better? I'm sure I've missed a few posts.

    1. Hi, Teresa. I have a few ideas in mind to prepare for stitching but they're still pretty vague. I need to sit and do a few drawings to see if I can get my ideas together. I don't get to do hand work every day but, like you, I like knowing it's there when I can.

      Yes, my husband is doing better. It's slow progress, but at least it is progress. Thank you for asking.

  3. I can't even figure out what those block parts made. LOL Sounds like it's time to take a little while to do some prep work. Or I could send you some of mine to do. LOL

    1. Hi, Susan. Those little pieces I'm unstitching were for a sunflower block. You can see a post about them at

      Yes, I need to sit and do a few sketches, then choose fabric and begin another applique block.

      Or yes, you could send me some of your hand work.... What needs done?

  4. Sure wish you were closer, as there are 5 quilts sitting on my couch waiting for binding. It's too hot right now to work on them here. Wishing your husband a swift recovery.

    1. Hi, Gypsy Quilter --

      I'd happily stitch the binding on one or several of your quilts! I do enjoy hand stitching the binding down and it wouldn't be a problem with our air conditioning. I'm in Ohio. Where are you?

      Thanks for your good wishes for my husband. Little by little he's making progress.

  5. I hope hubby is better soon. Un-sewing is a good task for mindless musings while you sit and thank you for sharing the impressionist painting. Mary Cassat, I guess?

    1. Hi, Vic. Yes, my husband is improving day by day. He won't be running a marathon any time soon but I'll take the improvement as it comes.

      I'm happier to unstitch when it's someone else's and not my own mistake when I was trying to hurry. ;-)

      The painting is by Philip Wilson Steer but I can see why you guessed Mary Cassatt.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  6. I can send some handwork your way, if you are in need. : )
    I am curious as to what the blocks are meant to be--those that you are unpicking?
    Doesn't that painting make stitching look so genteel?

    1. You can send me some handwork, Janet, but you have to be prepared for possible imperfections and speed or lack thereof. ;-)

      The pieces I'm unstitching were to become sunflower blocks. You can see a post about them at

      Yes. My stitching spot looks nothing like the lady's in the painting.

  7. I too am lost without something to do with my hands. I especially love to hand-quilt, and feel the thread as it glides through the fabric. Something about it that is addicting, mesmerizing... I hope you were able to find the perfect project for the fabric in the unfinished blocks - it's lovely!

    1. No hand project yet, Karen, but soon I hope! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.


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