Monday, August 1, 2016

Little Cabins for my Gwenny Quilt

Gwennie-Inspired Medallion quilt with log cabin border

I chose to make little creamy-light log cabin blocks for the second border of my Gwenny-Inspired Medallion Quilt.  But before that decision I waffled -- not about the colors (which are a little off in the photo) but about the size of the cabins.  They started out about an inch larger, then I reduced the size to 4".  I think they're a good size and color, but what do I know about medallion quilts?  Next to nothing, and my success with borders is variable, so I'm just pleased that this is actually flat and square (despite the appearance otherwise in the photo).

After adding the cabins I wondered if I should have included a narrow border between it and the dark blue border.  I really don't know what I'm doing....  A copy of Gwen's Liberated Medallion Quilts finally arrived at the library for me.  I hope it will help with my decisions about the next borders.

I'm linking this post to Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL Part 3 at Humble Quilts.  Click the link to look a thumbnails of other participants' quilts and then click through to read their posts.

Five quilt bloggers organized this Gwennie Inspired Medallino QAL and have invited others to participate if they choose.  There's still time to join in if you'd like to participate.  There will be two more borders as part of the QAL and there's a link-up on the first Monday of each month.  Katy of KatyQuilts chose "stars" as the theme for the next border -- your choice about how many and how to you incorporate them, whether appliqued, liberated, star fabric, or some other way.

I'm also linking this post to Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.



  1. Lovely! The light blocks really make those stars shine, too!
    I have no idea what I'm doing either with a medallion quilt, but isn't it fun anyway? 8)

    1. Hi, Gayle, Yes, it IS fun. And I figure that as long as I like each part of the quilt I should like the finished quilt, too. Right? (I hope!)

      Thanks for your kind comment about the log cabin border. I appreciate it.

  2. Your creamy light log cabins make such a great frame for basket and stars - the color ties in with your center - just lovely!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this border, Cynthia. I was hoping it wasn't just my eyes that were seeing the tie with colors between the parts of the quilt. So glad it works for you, too.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. Hugs

  4. I love the contrast of the creamy center and log cabin sections with the childhood border. I know you're going to do something wonderful with the star border -- it's a theme that seems to have your quilt in mind.

    1. Thanks for your kind words about this quilt, Martha.

      When I learned stars was the theme for next border I was at a loss. I'd already done stars in the first border. Now I think I have to come up with a new way to do stars! I hope they turn out great and add to (instead of detract from) the quilt. This has been an interesting (and fun) experience.

  5. I don't think you can go wrong with a classic block like log cabin and in the creams is so pretty. I do understand your questioning your choices...that is always my challenge too. In the end it will all look wonderful, I know that!

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence, Jocelyn. I hope you're right that it will look wonderful when it's finished!

  6. There are some really beautiful quilts being made, but this one, yours, appeals to me so much! I can hardly wait to see what you do with the stars.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment about this quilt. I'm still trying to decide what to do about stars, considering that I've already used them in the childhood border, and the flowers are star-shaped. It will be interesting!

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  7. I am in LOVE with your version of this project!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Jennie. It's been interesting -- fun and challenging, too -- to work without an advanced plan. I think long, play a little to try out my ideas, and then have to work fast to finish before the next round is announced. I hope the final quilt "works."

  8. Love your log cabin seems to make your stars really shine! This medallion QAL looks like a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks, Linda. This has been a fun, interesting, challenging QAL. It's been great to push myself in a way that I wouldn't otherwise have done except for the QAL. I just keep hoping I'll like the quilt when it's finished!

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  9. Just love your light log cabins around your medallion! Can't wait to see what you decide on for the star border!

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. I'm looking forward to my star border, too -- however it may evolve! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  10. I think your border (in fact the whole thing) is just beautiful! Relax and enjoy what you're doing and don't worry so much about the "rules" - if you like it, then it's good! Whoop whoop for progress!

    1. Thanks for your generous compliment about this quilt, Sarah. It's been a really interesting quilt along to participate in. So different from anything I've done (and obviously a little outside my comfort level). Still, it's been great fun.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.