Saturday, October 8, 2016

I Think Someone Was Messing with My Blog

Probably,  no one was doing anything with my blog but something happened. 

I usually see my blog from the private side, behind the scenes where I add photos, write, edit, and preview posts, look at comments, etc.  When I preview a post I focus on the post's appearance and whether the writing is coherent and cohesive but I don't usually look at the rest of the blog.

On my sidebar I've had several lists of blogs and links -- one of quilters'/creatives' blogs; one with book recommendation blogs; another with online quilt museums/collections; and one of blogs I find interesting but that don't fit in any other category.

The other day I discovered a blog I wanted to add to one of those lists and when I clicked my way through to "layout" from the back side of my blog and looked for the gadget with that list, it wasn't there.  Oh, no!  Then I looked for the other lists.  They weren't there either.  Double oh no!  I never saved any of those lists anywhere else.  Yes, some of them I can find in feedly or Bloglovin', but not all.  Some I looked at only from by blog.  I don't like it when someone messes with my "stuff."

But wait!  I just remembered:  I can go to the Internet Archive's WayBackMachine and see if it saved my blog in recent days.  Yes!  There it is.  It's a great help with recreating my lists but because I'm using the save from the end of May, it may not have all the additions I've made since then.  I'll use that to recreate but I may miss some of your blogs.

If you know that your blog was on my sidebar I wish you'd please let me know so I can be sure to add it back.

And this experience reminds me that it's a really good idea to back up my blog -- not just the template but the whole blog and all the posts.  I would hate to lose all my posts in all three of my blogs!  If you want to back up your blog and don't know how to do it, you can read instructions here.  (I'm not tech savvy so I have to follow the instructions word for word.)  Back it up to your hard drive, an external hard drive, or a thumb/flash drive.

Again, if your blog was on my sidebar please let me know.  Thanks.

Has anyone been messing with your blog?



  1. Thank you for your visit to Accroquilt. Hope everything is OK now with your blog.

    1. Hi, Accroquilt. You're welcome for the visit. I think--and hope--I'm getting my blog back to where it was now.

  2. Teresa at Fabric Therapy had what sounds like a similar problem. She lost her blog list. You tell her your solution. PS ......your gwennie quilt is just so neat! i love it.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Pam. I left a comment on Teresa's blog but you know how my comments get lost so she may not get it unless she looks at her comments.

      Thanks for your kind words about my Gwenny quilt. I still have to figure out that last border. I'm befuddled at the moment and have no real ideas -- yet.

  3. Oh no, what a conundrum. Please add me back in.

    1. Bonnie, I'd be happy to add your blog but I don't know which blog is yours. Please let me know! Thanks.

  4. I never thought to check things like that. I wonder who could have messed with it. I know that if I change my theme on Wordpress, I need to back up everything first because some themes don't have the same features as what I've been using. I learned that the hard way! But I haven't changed it in a long time, because I found the one I really like. And I don't think you have changed yours. I hope you find all your missing blogs. I used to keep a sidebar list, and like you, I used it to link to blogs I liked. It helped me not to forget one! Now I subscribe by e-mail, and that works better, but I have to admit, I like to click from YOUR sidebar list. LOL

    1. Hi, Susan. I suppose something happened behind the scenes with blogger. I haven't investigated too much but that's what I read somewhere. My concern is that they'll re-add what they took away and then I'll have double blog lists. We (I) get so accustomed to having things a certain way and when they change we (I) think it's a challenge to adapt.

      I haven't change my blog format since I started it a few years ago. Because of my other blog I know what you mean about not all features being the same with each template.

      I haven't tried receiving emails of blog posts. I think I would feel inundated. My favorite way to read blogs is in feedly. I can read the post, then click through to leave a comment if I have anything to say. Some blogs/posts (like yours) only show a few sentences so I either scroll past them or click through.

      I think my sidebar blog lists are coming along, but not yet complete.

  5. Yikes! What an experience! Nancy, you are far more proficient at internet savvy than I am, but I always was proud to be listed here on your blog as Park Hill Farm.

    1. Hi, Vic. I'm learning that things happen to blogs - blogger makes a change, or I do something strange - and I have to adjust and carry one.

      I don't think I would describe myself as internet savvy. I learn mostly only as the need arises.

  6. It is time to stop using AOL. Gmail won't even forward your comments on my blog to me anymore. It is not just your emails that are compromised, but everyone who sends you any personal info is at risk as well.

    Create a gmail account (with a strong password), and add it to your list of blog authors. Then you can delete the AOL account from the blog, and you will be secure once again.

    1. Hi, Monica. I already have a gmail account but I don't like it very much, which is why I've kept and use my aol account. I've been thinking about changing simply because I'm not really part of the conversations on blog posts when my comments don't get forwarded. (Aol - and yahoo, too - changed settings - DMARK, maybe? - which prevents aol and blogger/gmail from interacting the way it used to.)

      I think there's an easy way to change my email address on the private side of blogger. I've noticed it before and, well, ... just hang on to my aol account. One of these days, though.

      Thank you for the kind words of advice, Monica.


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