Saturday, December 3, 2016

Miscellaneous and Very Random

There's been no quilting in my life the past week, but I've been doing other things.

My older daughter and her family left the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving.  We were disappointed, of course, but some other obligations had come their way.  We crammed our activities into Thursday and Friday.

Thanksgiving crafts with grandchildren
While the turkey cooked my two oldest grands crafted while the youngest watched.

Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo on Friday
It was drizzling as we were driving to and walking into the zoo.  I told my daughter I would probably decide this activity was not worth attending again -- cold, rain, crowds.  But I was wrong.  The drizzle stopped and the light show on the lake was amazing.
The "babies" were bundled well, stayed warm, and we all had a fun time. 

Besides the light show, my favorite scene of the evening was the caroling beluga whales.  I oohed and aahed about how sweet the zoo had been to create this display.  My daughters eventually told me they weren't caroling and reminded me that in the summer the whales are in the center of a little water park.  But from now on I will always thinking of them as caroling. 

Photos from an antique sale
The day after Thanksgiving I bought a smart phone (without a phone plan because I love my old, little flip phone).  I think of the smart phone as a little computer -- I have internet anywhere there's an open wifi -- and a camera.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving, after my older daughter and her family left, my younger daughter and I went to an antique sale and I tried out the camera.  I don't know how many megapixels it is but I must say I'm somewhat impressed by it and think I will like it once I get used to it.  Here are a few photos from the sale.

The grounds outside the sale just after the sun had gone down.
I found that using a phone camera is a little different than using a regular one.  I had to hold the phone still because there is a delay between pressing the camera button and the camera shutter clicking.  I think I'll get the hang of it with practice.  I was impressed with the camera's ability to know whether I was taking a photo of something at a distance or up close without my having to tell it. 

Younger daughter trying on minion glasses at a store

The new blogger dashboard
Is anyone else having withdrawals from the new blogger dashboard?  It seems less like a dashboard and more like -- I don't know what.  When I think "dashboard" I think of everything being accessible from one place.  No longer the case on blogger, especially if you have more than one blog. 
Until about the middle of the year Blogger had this little clickable "Complain to Blogger" box at the bottom right corner of the dashboard.  I always thought it was funny to see it there:  who would complain to Blogger?  It's been changed to "Send feedback."  And now I feel like complaining about the dashboard change.  Ha!  I think I'm getting old....

I hope you're having a wonderful December!



  1. Looks like good times at your place. The new dashboard is confusing. I don't much care for it myself.

    1. We did have fun over Thanksgiving. I continue to hope blogger will give us the option to use the old dashboard but so far, it's not happening. (And I'm still not getting used to the new dashboard, either.)

  2. Cute kids. Glad you had some time together, however brief. The snow is beautiful, but I have to admit, I don't regret not having to deal with it. Looks like you and younger daughter had fun.

    1. Thanks, Jennie. We think they're pretty cute, too. They're coming back for Christmas and maybe for a few days between now and then. I don't mind dealing with the snow but as I get older I feel the cold more than I did decades ago.

  3. I wasn't thrilled with the Blogger change, but now find it EASIER to navigate than ever before. Once I figured out that everything was listed on the left, it was all good from there!

    1. I'm using the new dashboard because I don't have a choice but I continue to hope Blogger will offer us the option to choose which one we want to use. But it hasn't happened yet!

  4. What a fun collection of people, places and things! It's great that putting different generations of a family together gets us trying out things we'd never do otherwise. And the amazing technology in phones and little digital cameras - my Dad just can't get over it after years of being a photographer using film and spending hours in the darkroom with no guarantee that the results would be any good!

    1. I, too, continue to be amazed at the ability to take a hundred digital photographs and then choose the best to save, Allison. When I first got a digital camera my husband kept saying, "You don't need to take so many photos. You'll waste all that film." It took him a little time to adjust to the idea that there wasn't any film to waste.

  5. Oh Nancy, I have no doubt you will enjoy the new smart phone. There is a learning curve with everything, but, you will get used to it. It looks as though you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! MINION GLASSES!!!!!!

    1. I'm adjusting to having a smart phone but still adjusting to the delay in the camera between touching the "button" and when the photo's taken. I'll get it, though. Your Thanksgiving looked fun, too, with all your family there and your beautiful new table and chairs!

  6. It sounds like a packed but fun couple of days, anyway. I think they look like they are caroling, and whales DO sing. =) What a wonderful sale that looks, but you didn't buy anything?

    1. It's amazing how much longer it takes to do almost anything with three little ones. Time slows but somehow the days do seem packed. No, I didn't buy anything at the sale. I'm really trying to to limit my purchases. As I grow older I find I need less and less.


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