Saturday, December 31, 2016

Planning Quilts for 2017

About a month or so ago it was July and just a few weeks ago it was September.  How did December 31 come round so quickly?  Or maybe it's just me?  Time flies faster than I can take hold of it.  I'm actively involved in one thing or another most of the time and yet I have so little to show for my efforts.  I could quit and go take a nap or two, or I could think about and plan for the future and what I'd like to accomplish.  (Or maybe I can do both, alternately?)  I have a friend who says, "Doing is better than dreaming."  I agree.  So I guess I'll plan for the future and begin/continue doing.

I have a few quilts in progress that need finished.

There are those Buckeye Beauty blocks to finish making, then sew together.  There's one in greens and blues . . .

. . . and a second in reds and lights.  I think I will like the red one much better.  I'm putting it off until the blue/green one is finished, anticipating the joy of sewing these blocks. 

I have a stack of these blocks (below) left over from another quilt that need a setting then sewn and quilted.  Sashing, alternate plain blocks, alternate blocks with sashing to carry the lines through the whole quilt?  I'll play a little and decide.

And these blocks have been taped to a wall for nearly a year.  Should I make more for a larger quilt?  Should these become a "center medallion" with a border or two?   Other than seeming them there every day I haven't given them much attention.

The little plaid baskets are still sitting, awaiting placement and sewing on backgrounds.  I've made no progress on those since I cut them out.

And, of course, my Gwenny Medallion needs its last border.  It would be fun if someone had already created a large-print fabric with stars and vines.  (Wishful me!)

I was kidding myself into believing that I didn't have any UFOs.  Ha!  Finishing those looks like a year's worth of work to me.  And yet I keep imagining new blocks and quilts to make.  I have a few ideas for blocks swimming around in my brain, and I want to explore some color combinations I haven't used before.

As far as specific blocks, Wheel of Fortune has held my attention for a good while.  I don't do well with others' patterns (which usually give cutting directions for making all the blocks at the same time) but Wheel of Fortune is one block I know I could not make without a pattern.  The book History Repeated had directions for just one block.  I think that will work for me.  And I saw a pattern for a feathered star that I might be successful in making.   And there are Maple Leaf blocks I want to make.

Two days ago I had not given a thought to what quilts I would work on in 2017 but I'm feeling some energy to get back to quilting.  Who knows what will take my attention as the weeks and months go by.

What quilts are in your future in 2017?

I'm linking this post to Yvonne's 2017 Planning Party at quilting JETGirl.  Thank you, Yvonne.



  1. You have some lovely quilts in the making. I hope you manage to keep working on them. Don't feel guilty, though, if you find something less interesting; you'll come round to it sometime.

    1. Thank you, Marly. I haven't let guilt overcome me yet, though there are several projects that nag at me just a little. They'll all have their own time to shine.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your goals for 2017 and linking up. I agree that it feels like it was only yesterday when it was July; time has a way of zipping right by. I hope that you will find that working on these projects next year is fun and creatively fulfilling. Happy New Year!

  3. Looks like you've got a full plate for quilting tasks in the coming year. May 2017 bring you many happy finishes!!

  4. Happy New Year to you and your family Nancy! I have UFOs a-plenty along with fresh ideas on paper and in my head.I look forward to following your creativity through 2017.

    1. It helps me to maintain interest and enthusiasm when I have a mix of old and new projects, Allison. Have fun!

  5. Lots of great quilty projects to be working on! Happy New Year Nancy!

    1. Thanks, Linda. When I looked around at all my in-progress quilts I was surprised to have so many. But then I think, old and boring, and I want to start some new quilts, too. I suppose I'll have to do both this year! Happy New Year.

  6. I think you have some fun projects lined up--should be a fun year!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Somehow, the ones in my brain look more fun than the ones in the photos....

  7. My brain works in much the same manner. Always scheming and dreaming up new quilts to make when there are others waiting to be finished. Sometimes the new quilts are calling for my attention more than the quilts in progress. Just keep it fun and enjoy the process! You're in progress projects are going to be wonderful and I've no doubt that you have some wonderful ideas swimming around in that creative head of yours as well!

    1. Thanks for your encouraging words, Karin. I sometimes dither and get bogged down with indecision but I'm hoping to get past that quickly with the quilts that are in progress! Then the ones that swim in my brain may take just a little longer.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.