Friday, August 11, 2017

Baskets of Plenty #7:  Cheeky Bird

It's a good thing flowers are light weight or this cheeky bird might not be able to carry that flower that's half as big as he is!

Basket of Plenty #7 of Cheri Payne's sew-along

I had fun making this basket block but I'm not sure it "works."  Maybe those flowers look more like strawberries.  Maybe it's not obvious that the bird picked the flower.  (And how does one create the impression of movement in an applique block, anyway?)  Maybe that peach/red flower hanging over the basket doesn't work because of the brown part, no real stem, and no leaves.  I seem to see a block much more clearly after the parts are all stitched in place, much less so when I'm playing with parts. 

Sometimes when I finish an applique block I imagine other possibilities and know I may make changes, this block included.

There is only one block left in this sew-along and Cheri has already posted the pattern on her Facebook page.  It is smaller than the others.  I'm looking forward to Cheri's finishing suggestions for this quilt.  I was hoping it would be at least lap size but I think it will be smaller.

My husband told me today that he really likes these blocks.  He said he thinks I should not put them together into a quilt but should finish them as they are and hang them or frame them.  Well, I don't know....

I'm linking this post to
> Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts
> TGIFF at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
> finish it up Friday at crazy mom quilts
Thanks for hosting, ladies.  I appreciate it.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I think your block is cute just the way it is. Great job telling a little story in a small space. Thanks for sharing with TGIFF.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Cynthia. I appreciate it.

  2. How whimsical to have the bird having pecked off a flower.

    1. Yes, Karen, and I don't quite know how it happened, either. Some bird!

  3. I think it looks great. Flowers come in a vast variety of shapes and sizes so I wouldn't even entertain the thought that it looks like a strawberry! I love that the bird picked a flower. Too cute!

    1. Thank you, Sandy. I appreciate the words of encouragement.

  4. I love it! I could see right away that the little bird was making off with that flower! I think the flowers look like buds--strawberries never entered my mind. Very cute!

  5. Just found your blog from FB and I'm enjoying reading your posts. I like the block as is. It's supposed to be primitive so nothing should be "perfect". I can tell we're both a little OCD (haha) so it's hard for us to be spontaneous and not have things "just right".

    1. LOL. Now how could you discern my perfectionistic tendencies, Colleen? And OCD? Maybe just a little. Thanks for visiting and leaving an encouraging comment.

  6. You are too funny. I could tell at once that the flower had been plucked off the stem by the bird. I think the block turned out great, don't change a thing!

    1. Thanks for your kind encouragement, Robin. I appreciate it.

  7. I think this is a wonderful block. I saw the bird had picked the flower straight away :)

    1. Thanks so much, Janine. I'm so pleased that more than a few of you saw what the bird had done.

  8. Nancy me encanta tu bloque.
    el pájaro llevando la flor es magnifico!!!
    buen domingo

  9. This is going to be a cute quilt. You could make it larger by mixing and matching different block templates.

    1. Thank you, Jennie. Yes, it occurred to me that I could make a few more blocks from all the pattern pieces Cheri has provided. I may do that but I'll wait to decide until after I see her suggested layout.

  10. I love that naughty little bird, and the story you've told about him in this block!

  11. Well, it certainly works for me..I think it's lovely and it does look like Mr.bird stole that flower! Beautiful colors, too hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments about this block, Julierose.


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