Sunday, December 3, 2017

A Little Slow Stitching

I quilted for about an hour as I listened to and watched the Christmas Devotional tonight.  Doing something with my hands that requires very little thought seems to help me concentrate on what I'm hearing.

This quilt is slowly coming along.  I have 1½ squares to finish quilting, but then I have the sashing and borders to quilt, too.  I thought about claiming this for my One Monthly Goal this month but that might be just a little too much pressure for December.

I'm not thrilled with how the plaid fabric is not aligned on this block but obviously it didn't bother me enough to change it before I stitched the blocks together.  There's a strange kind of symmetry to it, though -- if one looks carefully and long.

As Lori, of Humble Quilts might say, it's a humble quilt.  It will keep some baby warm, or cover a table for Christmas, or hang on the back of a chair, or....

I hope you had a good Sabbath.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Kathy.



  1. Your quilt is lovely...the plaids are perfect - made with love....I'm happy to hear you are going to enjoy stitching and not pressure yourself to finish quickly. What is the Christmas Devotional? Would love to know more!

    1. Thank you, Mia. Yes, it will be great not to have the pressure.

      Here's a link to the Christmas Devotional. There's music before so go to 1:00 to get to the actual beginning of the Devotional. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. Plaids make it so much better than ever!! I find if mine are slightly off, as they usually are...I just like them even better. I saved your lovely quilt in my favorites!!

    1. Hi, Julie. Like you, I love plaids and don't really mind when they're not exactly aligned, but I think it's more obvious when the plaid is large. I'm particular enough that if the block had bothered me, I would have changed it.

      Thanks for saving my quilt to your favorites. You're so kind!

  3. Beautiful beautiful quilt even with the plaid not lined up . That's my preference anyway!. I agree keeping hands busy on auto pilot almost. Makes it easier to focus on what I'm hearing. Hope I never get called for jury duty.

    1. Hi, Gayle. Gosh, I never thought of jury duty! That would be awful for someone like me. I sometimes fall asleep if I'm just sitting without something in my hands to work on. I hope neither of us ever get called to jury duty!

      Thank you for your kind comment about the quilt. If the misaligned plaid had really bothered me I would have changed it before making the top. I think seeing it in a photo just called it to my attention and made it more obvious than in real life.

  4. Your quilt is going to be so beautiful! I don't mind mismatched plaids, but I know it makes a lot of people twitchy--lol!

    1. Thank you, Karen. These blocks are leftovers from another quilt and except for using the same blocks, I think this one looks different from and has a different feel than the other. Because other quilts are more casual about plaids I have accepted the mismatching. Plus, even though they're woven so the threads are perpendicular, they don't seem to stay that way and I could have made myself crazy trying to get all the threads to line up properly. So I just accept them as they are (usually). This particular plaid seemed to stand out in the phone unlike in real life. Those twitchy people can just look at someone else's quilt if my plaids don't suit them. Lol.

  5. We had company over to watch the devotional, so I just kept my hands still and squirmed in my chair. :)
    You have come a long way with this quilt. I am impressed with how much you have done.
    Your alignment on that block looks good to me. I have had to let go a lot of OCD-ness when working with the plaids or it would drive me crazy, but I really don't see a problem with that block.

    1. Hi, Janet. If we had had company that evening I suppose I would not have quilted, either, but I do tend to fall asleep when I have to sit still and have nothing to do with my hands. I'm like you with plaids. When I first started quilting with them I tried to get the treads to align but sometimes they were just too out-of-line and I finally gave up. And so many other quilters accept non-square plaids that it encouraged me to do the same. Sometimes, especially with large plaids, it's more obvious, and definitely more obvious in a photo. I barely noticed the plaids in this block in real life.

  6. It was a lovely Sabbath. I so enjoyed sister Franco's talk and her gold shiny dress was a nice change from the usual business suits. We watched the devotional at my oldest son's house and then finished the 1500 piece puzzle we had started on Thanksgiving. Your quilt looks wonderful. There's not a thing wrong with the plaid block.

    1. Hi, Robin. It was a lovely Sabbath for me, too. This devotional was the first time I became acquainted with Sister Franco. I very much enjoyed her talk. Her presentation was perhaps not quite so polished as more seasoned speakers, which made her all the more "like" the general population of Latter-day Saints. That's a lot of pieces for a puzzle! Thanks for your kind words about the quilt. I think the misaligned plaid is more obvious in the photo and it struck me how off it was as I was typing the post. I'm really okay with it. I like the movement misaligned plaids create in a quilt.

  7. What a beautiful project to be hand quilting at this time of year! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I didn't make this as a Christmas quilt but looked at it after reading your comment and realized that it is definitely a red and green quilt. Thanks for hosting Slow Sunday Stitching.

  8. This is a very nice Christmas quilt, Nancy. I actually like that plaid block how it is - the mismatch works for it, giving it dimension. It'd go totally flat if it were matched. Doesn't always work, but this one does!

    1. Thank you, Lynette. It didn't start as a Christmas quilt but since I'm quilting it this month and since it's red and green, I think it's become a Christmas quilt. The misaligned plaid shows more strongly in the photo than in real life but I'm fine with it as it is. Plaids are just too squirrely to fuss with sometimes.

  9. Nancy, I don't know why, but I always love the way you put colours and fabrics together. This plaid is perfectly fine to my eyes (such as they are!). Happy and enjoyable stitching to you!

    1. Jocelyn, you are a great cheerleader for me and my quilts! Thank you. In real life the plaid was not so obvious. I think it just struck me as I looked at the photograph. I am enjoying stitching. I hope you are, too.

  10. Love your quilt, turned out so pretty. Thank you for the link to the Christmas devotional, been too long since I’ve listen to one.

    1. Thank you for the compliment about my quilt, Kathleen. You're welcome to the link to the devotional. I missed them for years but now that I can watch them online, at home I always do. They are a great beginning to the Christmas season for me. (But I still miss Pres. Faust and his stories.)

      I hope you have a great Christmas season.


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