Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Using Red Scraps

If someone had told me last week what I would be doing this week, I would have chuckled, maybe even scoffed to myself, and said, I doubt it.  And with an moment's thought would have said, Definitely not.  But here I am.

My red scraps want to be used.  Many of the scraps are 2" strips and I couldn't come up with a way to make economy or square-in-square blocks (except really small ones).  I decided to make double four-patch blocks using brown scraps as the background color.  (Please forgive the flash photos.  It's still grey in Ohio.) 

red and brown double four-patch quilt blocks

The block are cut at 2" and 3½".  I like them.  I like the brown background with the tumble of red squares.  But there was just something missing.

So I decided to make some smaller four-patch blocks.

red and brown double four-patch quilt blocks

The little guys are cut at 1¼" and finish at ¾".  Never in my life would I have thought I would be cutting and sewing such tiny pieces of fabric for a quilt.  But aren't they adorable?!  They're probably sweeter in real life, where you can actually see how tiny they are.

red and brown double four-patch quilt blocks

Here are both sizes mixed.  I'll need to make more -- lots more -- before choosing a layout.

red and brown double four-patch quilt blocks with triple four-patch layout

As I was pressing them they made me think of rubies on a string.

red and brown double four-patch quilt blocks with triple four-patch layout

I have three thoughts:
The next quilt I make needs to have more than two colors.
This will not be a quick quilt to make.  (I was hoping for quick and done.)
This quilt will not use up all the red scraps.  I'll have to make a second red scrap quilt, maybe a one-patch alternating with whites/naturals/creams.

a pile of red fabric scraps

Do you have a favorite scrap pattern if you're using just two colors?

I'm linking this post to
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River
> To Do Tuesday at Stitch All Things 



  1. Your blocks remind me of chocolate-covered cherries!

    1. Oh, what fun. I didn't think of that but I will from now on. Someone else suggested chocolate-covered strawberries.

  2. Oh, adding those itty bitties is a FABULOUS idea! I can see the strings of rubies, but I can also see PugMom's chocolate-covered cherries. So, chocolate-covered rubies?

    1. You are too funny, Gayle. I don't think I'd like to crunch on chocolate-covered rubies, though. Of course, since these are fabric, the only crunching/chewing might be from a teething baby or a puppy or kitten (none of which are residents here).

      I thought the blocks just needed more than the two sizes, and now I'm thinking they need the next size up, too. I'm still playing. But honestly, these are not very exciting to make.

  3. Those are such sweet little chains. I love chain blocks. Aren't little pieces fun? Watch out--they can be addictive!
    I have to admit that I avoid making two color quilts. I like to work with at least three colors, if not more!

    1. Thank you, Janet. Little pieces are fun and the best part is when I make a mistake it takes a quick few seconds to unstitch. I'm hoping not to become addicted....

      Yes, I'm finding make these 2-color blocks on the boring side, even with the variety of scrap fabrics. I hope the quilt isn't boring because of it.

  4. That's going to be an AWESOME quilt (when it grows up!!) I like to make Maverick Star, 9-Patch blocks, and String or Slab blocks. That being said... I really want to try a Delectable Mountains quilt!

    1. Thank you, Joyful. Maverick stars are fun -- I know that because I adapted them for a Morning Star variation just recently. I always enjoy the variety the results. And 9-patch -- what could be more soothing and comfortable?

  5. Wow, those reds really pop against the brown! Love how these are coming along!! Thank you for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

    1. Thank you, Christine. I like how the reds stand out. I hope they work with the browns in a finished quilt, too. Thank you for hosting To-Do Tuesday.

  6. Love your browns and red together! I too thought of chocolate! Chocolate covered strawberries.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. They are both favorite colors of mine and I do like how they work together in these blocks. Now that I've had several suggestions about what the blocks/colors remind readers of, I guess I have several options for consideration when it comes to a name for the quilt.

  7. I think it takes more creativity when you are only using two colors for a quilt. This has amazing movement with the two sizes of blocks. Nice job!

    1. Thanks, Robin. I guess with only two colors in a quilt, especially when they are low contrast like these, one really has to consider what will create the pattern and whether it will be strong enough to be interesting. I hope it works with these colors and block pattern!


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