Wednesday, April 11, 2018

This Crazy (Spring?) Weather, Health, and a Few Quilts

I think winter and spring are having a mighty wrestle this year.  Spring wins one day, winter wins the next.  We've has snow three out of the last six days.  The weather men tell me that we're to have temperatures in the 70s for the next three days, then back to early spring-like temperatures in the 40s or lower and possibly snow.  It's a strange year.

A few years ago I realized that despite all the ups and downs of life, the challenges, difficulties, and disasters, there are a few things that are always true.  One of them is that season follows season.  Spring, always comes, no matter what.  True as it is, this year I'm wondering when spring will come.  That little mister groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year thereby predicting 6 more weeks of winter, but nine more weeks is just a bit too much, in my opinion.  I love a long, leisurely spring with temperatures in the 50s and 60s for a month or two.  But not this year.  We'll probably jump from late winter to summer heat and humidity.

I've been way under the weather:  I haven't worked on quilts, haven't read others' blog posts, and haven't posted myself -- until today, which is probably a first and last for another few days or a week.  I have a flu-like viral infection, so no real help to overcome it other than time.  And it's taking its good old time, too.

Since I don't have any quilts of my own to show, I'll share some from a tiny exhibit at a local history museum.  Most were folded into glass cases which made them hard to photograph the small sections of the quilts that showed.  Still, I found them interesting.  Maybe you will, too.  No makers' names were included.

On the quilt below there were no diagonal seams in any part of the quilt, which I find amazing.

I thought the blue appliqued on green was a subtle and interesting combination.

I fell in love with this star quilt.  It looked soft, well-used, and comfortable.

The little quarter-triangle squares in these stars were the tiniest I've ever seen used on a full size quilt.  They were less than 1/2" square!  I wonder how many the quilter had to make!

I hope, wherever you and and whatever you're doing, that you're feeling healthy and happy!

Take care,


  1. Olive leaf extract does have an effect on viruses. Just throwing that out there. I hope you recover quickly. take care from Iowa

    1. I'll have to look for olive leaf extract, Melody. I don't know how to use it, though -- oral or topical or....? Thanks for your good wishes.

  2. Yes, this spring has been unusual because we didn't get much snow in the winter but we seem to be receiving storm after storm this spring. We are expecting snow today and so I'm worried about the apricot blossoms. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, hope you're on the mend soon.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Robin. I'm getting better every day but the cough lingers. One of these days I'll be great again!

      Oh, the snow. I think we've had several more snows since I wrote that post, light ones, but snow nonetheless. I hope your apricot blossoms survived in good shape. It is awful to lose fruit because of the weather. I can't remember which state you live in, Robin.

  3. Yes, we have been having a slow start to spring too. I am longing for warmth and getting into the garden.
    I am sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. Taking care of yourself and doing what you need to do to feel well in body and mind is so important. I am ever so thankful my low mood last week has lifted, not completely, but definitely lightening.
    I always like looking at quilts and esp. these older ones.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I suppose you, in Canada, expect spring a little later than here in Ohio, but my great hope is that we get some real spring weather instead of jumping from winter into summer. It sounds like maybe the grey days effect your mood, maybe some Seasonal Affective Disorder? It is hard when the grey days go on and one. I hope you're feeling better and have sunny days soon.

  4. I hope you are soon feeling much better. Here in the UK we are having a very slow transition from Winter into Spring. Since some unusually late snowfall we have had a lot of dull, wet weather. All the flowers are weeks behind last years flowering times. However the forecast is for a jump in temperatures next week and maybe a glimpse of the sun too :-)

    1. Thank you, Allison. I hope you received the sun and warmer weather and that your flowers are blooming (unless more winter is coming, which I know isn't good for most tender flowers). I think this is the latest winter I can remember.

  5. My son made the joke the other day:"It's January 75th today, mom." Of course I didn't get it and he had to explain that it is so cold here, it's like it is still January. The antique quilts are lovely. I hope you feel better soon!

    lizzy at gone to the beach...

    1. Hi, Lizzie. Yes, it's beginning to feel like January the 75th around here. Except I looked at the calendar and decided it really has to be about January 115th -- with nearly three extended months of when seems like winter. Thank you, I'm starting to feel better. If only the cough would quit!

      I hope things are going well for you.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. It's so hard to shake off colds/viruses when the weather is yoyo-ing like this...
    Loved seeing the quilts!

    1. Thank you, Gayle. Slowly but surely I'm beginning to feel better. Now it's just the cough and still feeling a little tired. Soon I'll be back to my old self.

  7. I always look forward to "Phil's" prediction even though we no longer live in the north and experience real winters.

    1. Hi, Karen. I don't give much credence to Phil's weather skills but I know I would find some humor in seeing his prediction if I lived in a warm climate. (Though I would miss the change of seasons if I didn't have them.)


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