Friday, June 1, 2018

Volunteer Bloom and Berries

This is Block B of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt.  When I learned its name I thought about making it as ugly as possible.  Volunteer plants are usually prolific self-sowers which can become weeds and ruin a garden.  My kinder nature prevailed.  This may not be the most beautiful flower block but it's definitely not as ugly as it could have been.

Volunteer Bloom and Berries from Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt pattern

Choosing colors, choosing fabrics is always one of the hardest and most time-consuming parts of making a quilt for me.  And nearly always, after a block or a quilt is finished, I can see how other fabrics or colors would have been better.  It's true for this block but I'm satisfied with it.

These are the fabrics I used (minus the strip at the bottom).

Part of me wants to swipe away the little mat under the vase.  I tried several other fabrics. 

Volunteer Bloom and Berries from Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt patternVolunteer Bloom and Berries from Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt pattern

I liked the colors of the strip on the left but I thought it was too dark.  After I added the blue berries it seemed to drag the eye downward to the bottom of the block. The colors in fabric on the right didn't quite do it.  I think the one I used, gold with red, white, and black, is perfect when viewing it in person, just not so much in the photo.

This was a challenging block to make with all the inward points and curves.  The right vase handle may need to be adjusted (obvious in the top photo).  My novice applique skills got a workout with this block.

I consider this a finish though in truth it's an interim finish, on its way to become part of a quilt.  I need little finishes for encouragement.  How about you?

I'm linking this post to
> follow Friday at crazy mom quilts
> Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts
> Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
> Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday (TGIFF) at Devoted Quilter
> BOMs Away Monday at What a Hoot!
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. I really love your volunteer flower! I too love those interim finishes.

    1. Thank you, Julie. Those interim finishes make it feel like real progress, don't they?

  2. I remember when I made this block. I looked up the name as I had never heard the term "volunteer" associated with a flower.

    1. I don't remember when I learned the term. I guess I associate it with dandelions and other weeds, though it could be any self-sowing flower.

  3. Another nice finish. I think that you are way too hard on yourself.

  4. I love interim finishes too! Your applique looks great to me. Thanks for linking to TGIFF this week :)


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