Monday, July 9, 2018

How To Get Blogger Comments Forwarded to Your Email (Again!)

Follow these steps to receive comments in your email:

1.  Go to Dashboard in blogger

2.  Click on Settings

3.  Click on Email

4a. If the box "Comment Notification Email" is blank, add your email address and save.


4b. If the box already has your email address, remove it, save, then go back and add your email address again and save.

Doing this will subscribe you to comments.  You'll receive an email from Blogger that offers you the choice to subscribe or not.  Choose subscribe and you should begin receiving email notifications again.  (Except you won't receive them from yahoo and aol email accounts (because of settings in yahoo and aol).)

I hope that helps some of you!

Okay, I didn't figure this out on my own.  The lovely Barb Vedder posted this blogspot solution a week or two ago so I give her all the credit.  (Thank you, Barb!)  But I'm posting so that those who don't follow her blog and didn't read this workaround there might read it here.  And if we all posted this, maybe, eventually, we could all get back to responding to comments like we used to a month or two ago!

We can only hope that Blogger will soon return to how they processed comments before GPDR came into effect.



  1. Thank you! THANK YOU! With my other computer probs the past ten days I did not dare to try this fix. Tonite I finally ''got'' it and I think it worked. Hugs to you--and thx Barb V!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad it worked for you, LIzzy. I hope it worked! You'll know after I leave a comment on your blog in a few minutes.

      Blogger has been so frustrating with their discontinuance/interruption of sending comments to email. I was thrilled to learn this trick and I wish every blogspot blogger knew it!


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