Saturday, August 25, 2018

Borders on Everyday Patchwork Blocks

I completed my goal of putting borders around the Everyday Patchwork sampler blocks.

These blocks are arranged in no particular order.  About half of the borders are in the neutral/brown/tan/grey range and the rest are colors.  I regret that I did not have a single navy/dark blue to use for one of the blocks.

When my husband saw a photo of Cheri's quilt on her blog (close-up here) he said it didn't look unified to him.  I told him I thought the black sashing and outside borders unified it.  But as I was cutting and sewing these borders I wondered if having all the borders the same fabric and color would have helped unify the quilt even more.  Well, I'm not changing those borders now.

For the most part I'm happy with the blocks and the borders, but I bit the bullet on a few of the blocks by trimming them to 6½", thereby having a few points cut off.  I tell myself everything (cut off points, borders, colors) will be fine when the quilt is finished.

Getting these borders on was my One Monthly Goal for August.  I'm linking up to One Monthly Goal August Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.

For now I'm linking to
> Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts and
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. I like the border treatment around each block. I think it does a fine job of unifying the blocks without having the borders all be the same color.

    1. Thanks, Janet. I always appreciate and trust your opinion. You have such a great "eye."

  2. I just absolutely am in love with your blocks!!! Super fun...they are unified very well with the borders and scrappy-ness. perfect!

    1. Thank you, Julie. Maybe scrappy is (or can be) a kind of unity, too.

  3. I looked at your photo a long time and I really like your border colours. I think it looks marvelous and yes, even unified. The overall look is wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I appreciate your thoughts. The blocks will change their arrangement and will have black sashing. I hope they still look unified by the time I'm finished!

  4. I like your borders a lot, just having the borders around each block is the unifying element here and it seems perfect to me.

    1. Thanks, Babcia. I hadn't thought about the borders unifying the blocks but since you mention it, and after looking at the blocks, I think I agree.

  5. I like your borders. I made this quilt a couple of years ago. Still needs to be quilted. Hugs

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Somehow I missed this quilt on your blog -- maybe I wasn't following it when you made the quilt. I'll have to see if I can find it (assuming you posted it)

  6. I love all the different borders! So fun!

    1. Thank you, Ashley. It was fun to choose fabrics for the borders. A few times, after I'd cut the fabric, they moved from one block to another.

  7. Your scrappy borders look great. I think they give your quilt a lot of charm. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Thanks so much, Cynthia. I love quilts with charm! And thanks for hosting Oh Scrap!

  8. I love the scrappy borders--they look great! And a few lost points make it a homage to Cheri who never worried about such things!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Yes, I thought about Cheri as I was chopping the points off and realized she would probably have cheered me on. Ha ha. It was hard to do until it was done, and on some other quilts I might have recut and resewn, but on this quilt -- nah. Just chop chop.

  9. I love your borders just the way they are! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you, Patty. And thanks for hosting One Monthly Goal.

  10. Congratulations on finishing your goal. I have one more day to make mine! Maybe I will finish on time, but at least I'm close. I like these blocks, and you are right. It will all be okay, and a beautiful quilt. I've made many an American Hero quilt by matching up blocks which are not perfect, and each one is so pretty at the end.

    1. Thanks so much, Susan. Sometimes it's a crunch from me to finish on time and just barely meet the deadline. This was one of the easier goals to accomplish so I was able to finish early. Adding borders to blocks is a new idea for me. I'm sure I've probably seen it done before but didn't really notice. You make wonderful quilts, Susan!


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