Monday, November 5, 2018

The Binding and the Baby

I finished quilting the Barn Stars baby quilt last Thursday.  I knew I was in good time to finish it by Monday, the baby's due date.  On Friday I auditioned several possible binding fabrics but by Friday night I knew I didn't have enough of any one fabric.  Normally, I would have just pulled some similar-colored fabrics but since this quilt doesn't have the least bit of scrappiness to it, I didn't want to add scrappy for the binding.

When I awoke Saturday morning my first thought was getting to the fabric store to buy a yard of my chosen binding fabric.

And then I noticed I had two text messages.  The first came from my daughter, sent at 7:28 a.m. and said, "Headed to hospital."  The second, sent at 9:17 a.m., said,  "Baby boy born 8:39 this morning."   It was accompanied by a photo.

We're welcoming little Noah, the newest sprout on our family tree.  My daughter tells me he's a serious sleeper -- during the day -- but not so much at night.

If Noah and I had been in a race, his arrival before the quilt was finished, or vice versa, he won!  But there's no race here, just joy in welcoming a wonderful new baby.  My daughter has help staying just now so we'll travel to visit in a few days.  It's hard to wait to hold and hug a new grandbaby.

After conversations and congratulations and welcomes and virtual kisses and hugs, I went to the fabric store.  Sadly, the fabric I thought I bought there was either sold out or I bought it at a different shop.  I had to choose the next best fabric.

My auditions suggested that a dark, dark brown would be best, almost acting like a neutral.  Even though the print on the red border and backing fabric is black, I didn't want a black border.  This brown with black print, light brown, and small green stars is the best fabric I found.

The binding is stitched about half way around the quilt.  I hope to finish in the next day or two so it's ready to travel with us to its new home.

I'm off to stitch binding and think about my One Monthly Goal for November.



  1. A new grandson! Now that's exciting. He'll love the quilt because you made it for him, and the binding color won't matter a bit. Congratulations Granny!

    1. Thank you, Gypsy Quilter! I'm sure he won't notice the binding at all, and probably not the quilt, either, except for the warmth it will provide.

  2. Congrats on the newest member of your family— Noah is adorable!

    1. Thank you so much, Karen. I can hardly wait to meet him!

  3. Congrats. Such a sweet baby. Hugs

  4. What a handsome little guy! And he will be wrapped in love in that beautiful quilt you made for him! Congrats on the new family member, Nancy. :)

    1. Thank you, Janet. I think he's a handsome little fellow, too, but then I'm particularly partial. Haha.

  5. What a precious new family member -- he's just a doll! Congratulations!! :)

    1. Thank you, Denise. I'm looking forward to meeting him. I understand that I might have to wait my turn, though, since his older siblings want to hold him all the time, too. I think gramma will pull rank on that one. Haha.

  6. both quilt and baby are blessed!

    1. That's so true, Grace, and most true about the baby! What a blessing he is! Thank you.

  7. Congratulations on that sweet grandbaby! He is adorable with that bit of fuzzy hair! Enjoy your time snuggling in a few days.

    1. Thank you, Pat. Oh, yes, that bit of fuzz is too cute.

  8. Congrats! The dark binding looks good with the quilt and will help hide stains.

    1. Thank you, Shasta. I hadn't thought about it hiding stains but yes, it definitely will! Good point.

  9. Congrats on both the baby and the binding! Enjoy your snuggles with that brand new little grand!

    1. Thank you, Gayle. I'm looking forward to holding and cuddling him.

  10. Well I knew you were expecting a new grandson and went back through old posts - sure enough, I had missed your announcement! Congratulations to all of you! I'm sure you've gotten in some quality snuggle time since his arrival and that he's enjoying that beautiful new quilt sewn with love. Quilts are such a lovely way to welcome your newest blessing!

    1. Thanks so much, Karin. We spent a few days before Thanksgiving -- not long enough. He's a sweet baby -- calm and pleasant. We anticipated spending more time with them over that holiday but they had car problems and were unable to make it. We think we'll see them for a few days at Christmas.

      I hope you and your family are having a great December and Christmas season.


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