Monday, January 28, 2019

This House . . . .

This brown house with red trim captured my attention last week when we were out and about.  If you've visited here recently you can imagine why.

Isn't it a beauty?

How often do you see your quilt-in-progress in a house!



  1. That house is delightful. It's like seeing your quilt on the big screen. I'm so glad you shared it with us.

    1. Thanks, Robin. It was such a surprise to get out of the car in the parking lot and see it there. Just too fun.

  2. What a sweet little house! Can't you imagine yourself living there with your wonderful red and brown quilt.

    1. LOL. Well, Pat, I would definitely like to tour the inside of the house, and I did imagine showing the owners my quilt when it's finished. It's not in a great location, though, because it faces an alley and the side is toward a busy street. Still, it was fun to see it.

  3. Gorgeous! Love the bravery of those homeowners. Most trim is not even noteworthy. This is fantastic, and a perfect example of why your quilt is so stunning!

    1. Yes, I agree, Janet. And I would have loved this house even if I hadn't been making its quilt twin. The house's is brown is such an understated color and then to see the pop of red. Wow!

  4. This is so funny! The minute I saw the photo on my sidebar I said, wow, that looks just like her quilt!

    1. It was funny to step out of the car in the parking lot and see this brown house, Wendy. I would have loved it even if I hadn't been making a quilt in the same colors, though.

  5. Brown houses? Sure! With RED trim? Not so much. Still Loving your Brien and red quilt, though!!

    1. LOL and thank you, Joyful. Well, that red trim is really bright and strong, isn't it? One certainly knows where the edges of the house are with it!

  6. I won't have thought of Chocolate and red as a good color combo, but that looks great!

    1. I think so too, Claire. Red always seems just two or three steps away from brown to me. You know, red, then burgundy, then dark red/brown, then brown.... Everyone's eyes see differently though, don't they?

  7. I wonder what those people would think if you showed them your quilt. Would they love it and just have to have it?

    1. LOL. I wondered the same thing, Linda. Perhaps, if I don't love it when it's finished, I'll stop by their house and show it to them. Wouldn't it be funny to have someone come to your/my home with a quilt...?


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