Thursday, March 7, 2019

A Little House (and a few other blocks) - One Monthly Goal in March

I put Sweet Land of Liberty aside for a while because I couldn't keep up last year when Lori of Humble Quilts was doing the sew-along.  I was thrilled to learn that she's offering it again on Cheri Payne's Facebook page, beginning this month.  Since I started late last year, I can begin at the beginning with everyone else this time around.  Maybe I can keep up!

The first blocks include a house with crow and flag; a large flag basket with crow; the pieced letters USA, and 5 economy blocks.  Not a lot of work but I'm slow.

These are the blocks I've finished on this quilt to date (except the house), arranged in no particular order.  Some need additional applique or lettering.

I'm looking forward to making progress on this quilt again so I've determined this month's blocks are my One Monthly Goal for March.

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal March Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. How nice that Lori is hosting another round of this so that you can get caught up and finish. :)
    What you have so far looks really good to me!

    1. Thank you, Janet. Yes, I think it's great of Lori to do another SLoL, too. I hope I can keep up and finish this time around. I just gave up last year because I was so far behind.

  2. Best of luck with attaining your goal!!

  3. What you have done so far looks wonderful!

  4. I have the first month’s blocks done. I’m picking up next month too

    1. Good for you to have those first blocks done, Karrin. I'm still working on them, but I have two weeks before they need to be finished -- thank goodness!

  5. Very nice blocks! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

    1. Thank you, Patty. And thanks for hosting One Monthly Goal.

  6. So glad to hear you're giving this another go. You won't regret it. The house colors look great. If you can applique those tiny letters that Cheri designed, you can do anything.

    1. Hi, Robin. I was thrilled when Lori announced on Cheri's Facebook page that she would be doing this sew-along again. I hope I can keep up, at the very least, be caught up by the end (since I have parts of the middle finished).

  7. Good luck keeping up - at least you are off to a head start and it's good that those lovely blocks you already have won't be wasted.

    1. Thanks, Kaja. I may need more than luck to keep up but I appreciate your good wishes for luck for me.


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