Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April One Monthly Goal Finish

I've finished this top just under the wire!   And this afternoon I wasn't sure it would be a finish for my One Monthly Goal.  I had to go back and read exactly what my goal was.  I wrote in my post, Making Triangle Squares Sashing for Flowers
My One Monthly Goal for April is to cut and sew enough triangle square blocks to make sashing for this quilt and sew the blocks and sashing into a top. 
So this is my version of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt.  I finished the triangle squares and sewing them into a top with the blocks.  It's a top but not a finished top.  So glad I didn't say "finished top" in my goal statement!

I don't know about you but I think this quilt looks overwhelmed with triangles!  Linda's original pattern (sketch below) makes a quilt that measures 56" x 76".  I wanted a quilt that was wider and longer.  Not including her borders, which measure 4" finished, I added 5" to the width and 10" to the length.  What you see in the above photo measures 53" x 78".  If I leave it like this, I think it will be disproportionately long.

A few close-ups of the quilt, top, middle, and bottom....

Though this met my goal for April, I believe I will edit this quilt and remove the nearly-center horizontal row of 3" triangle squares (as noted in photo, above) and possibly more.

I also intend to add a border of 3" triangle squares (or maybe a single fabric red border) and an outer putty colored border.  In retrospect, I wonder if would have been better to use Linda's layout and increase the size by adding a border of triangle squares and an outer (possibly wider) solid border, as she did.  I doubt I'll go so far as to redo the whole quilt to be like hers, though.

I find it hard to be objective when I'm working on a quilt.  Or maybe this quilt and its colors do just look better in person than in the photographs.  I'll have to stew on this one a little longer. 

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal April Finish link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. Oh, I love those triangles dancing among your pretty applique blocks! Congratulations on meeting your goal. I agree with your idea of perhaps removing that one row, but honestly, either way, it will be beautiful.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments about this quilt, Karen, and your vote of confidence that it will be beautiful. I hope it will! That one row is out already. Maybe another will be removed, too. I'll lay it out tomorrow and think about it.

  2. I wouldn't change a thing. Such a lovely quilt. There is so much movement with all the HSTs. We woke up to a light dusting of snow this morning and 32 degrees. I hope the apricots have survived.

    1. Thanks for your comments on this quilt. Maybe I was tired, or maybe it was the photograph/angle/light, or maybe .... Well, who knows. I was uncertain when I looked at the quilt itself and just felt disappointed when I looked at the photos. I've taken out one 3" row of triangle squares and will take a look at both pieces tomorrow to see what I think.

      I'm behind on my Sweet Land of Liberty quilt -- still have to finish up April's blocks. This month is one of the big ones for putting the top of the quilt together -- lots of sewing, lots of applique, and, of course, lots of choosing which fabrics to use! I think that takes me longer than anything. So, Flowers will not receive the bulk of my attention this month.

  3. Very pretty! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  4. Your top as it is right now looks wonderful! And there's no law that says all your borders need to be the same width, you could always have a top border that is a little narrower than the sides, and that would take up some of the seeming disproportion you see now. Whatever you decide to do will be beautiful I'm sure!

    1. Thank you for your suggestions to change the dimensions of the quilt, Pat, and thank you for your vote of confidence! I appreciate both.

  5. I also love it the way it is. Maybe a chunky vine down one side would make it wider without more triangles. Can't wait to see what you decide to do. Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Karen. I hadn't thought about applique along one edge but that's a great idea. I'll give it some thought.

  6. I think it is lovely the way it is. Mine didn’t have so many triangles

    1. Thanks, Karrin. I think fewer triangles would probably look better....

  7. I have noticed on at least one more of Linda Brannock's quilt patterns that the quilt was too narrow for the length of it. I guess that is okay if it is to be a display quilt and never used for covering up.

    1. Thanks for letting me know that, Karen. I wonder if Linda was thinking of hired men's quilts when she made those patterns so long and narrow. Not that most men would truly appreciate the quilt with its appliqued flowers like women probably would. (I hope that doesn't sound discriminatory. I was just thinking in general terms about men's preferences.)


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