Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Underestimating the Time It Takes

So often I imagine how long things will take only to find that, in fact, they take me two or three or more times longer than I imagined.  I probably should have learned by now to give myself at least three times longer than I think anything will take.

Knowing I would have a week to finish this quilt seemed doable, until I laid out the blocks yesterday and began arranging the sashing squares again.  I wanted to replicate the arrangement before I picked them up off the floor last Thursday.  I began sewing them together today.  This photo shows the results of today's efforts. 

I truly thought it would go much faster.  I think arranging the sashing squares is what takes so long.  I look at the photos I took, make notes about which squares to place where, then find the squares and place them....  The blocks themselves are uneven sizes -- 17", 19", 21" -- sizes not easily divisible by 2" or 3" which are the sizes of the triangle squares.  It takes a little time to figure out how many squares for the edge of each block.  If I weren't trying to enlarge the quilt's final size it would be easy enough to follow Linda's pattern.

I'm now wondering whether I can really get this top sewn together by next Tuesday.

Below is the first of four sections to sew together.  I'll have to somehow speed up my process!

When I began this quilt with a Facebook group, Lorraine, the leader, encouraged us to cut and sew the triangle squares for each block as we went along and then, when the first four blocks were finished, to sew them into sashing and attach them to the blocks.  Unlike others who were participating, I uncertain which fabrics I would use for the blocks and decided to wait till the blocks were finished to sew them. Ah, well.  Maybe next time I'll follow the suggestion of a seasoned quilter.

Wish me luck to finish by Tuesday evening!



  1. beautiful so far....liberated quilting lives!

    1. Thank you, Grace. Yes, liberated quilting lives -- or is, at leas struggling along here at my house!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Karen. I appreciate your confidence.

  3. Oh my are you soooo right! I think we all underestimate the time it will take us to get something done. Easter Sunday I was happily sewing away on a project that I knew would only take an hour or so, when all of a sudden I looked at the clock and screamed. I had ten minutes to get dressed and over to my daughter's house. Sheesh! For me it is that I spend to much time "re-thinking" things. Why do we do that when we usually end up going back to our initial layout anyway?? I think yours is going to be beautiful no matter how you set it or how long it takes!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I think I just have to begin giving myself more time, especially for monthly goals.

      Yes, the rethinking does take me a lot of time. This way, that way? This fabric, that fabric? Etc. I'm such a deliberator. I often make a choice different from my first decision, go with it, then realize my first choice really would have been best. Your quilts always look perfect to me!

  4. Wishing you luck! (Though I know you can do it)
    Things always take much longer than you think they're going to, so might as well enjoy the journey!

    1. Thank you, Gayle. I appreciate your confidence. I'm enjoying the journey but still trying to meet the goal/deadline.

  5. I'll say what I said in my email/ last comment, I forget which...take your time and enjoy the process.

    I work in reverse, not how long will something take, but how much time I have each day, if at all, to work towards my goal. I can only sew one or two hours a day, I find it best if I divide those hours. [inflammatory hip pain] I try to always set out the following day's work so I remember where I was and get started. Today I used the first of the lovely shirtings you sent silk! What a pleasure to sew with. <3


    1. I'm glad you like the shirting fabrics. They feel really different from quilting cotton but I enjoy the change, the challenge (usually), and the different prints that shirts offer.

      I'm pushing myself on this quilt because I claimed it as my one monthly goal. I learned a year or so ago not to set huge goals -- but I guess it's a lesson I need to relearn. I would not have had to push now if I didn't take the week to spend with my daughters. It's all good, and, of course, the best with time with my daughters, grands, and a visit to see my siblings for my brother's birthday celebration.

      It's all good!

  6. I always like the dropping flower designs.

    1. Me, too, Karen. I think they look beautiful and they're fun to stitch.

  7. It’s looking great. I always underestimate time too.

  8. I ALWAYS underestimate time needed, too. That is one reason I avoid most SALs. They just leave me frustrated when I can't keep up in the time allotted.
    But this quilt is so fun. I think what you have finished so far looks great. I'll be cheering for you to meet your goal!

    1. It sounds like many of us quilters underestimate time, Janet. I hesitated to set this goal, thinking it might be too much to accomplish in a month. So I've relearned the lesson to set a smaller goal.

      Yes, I'm involved with 3 or 4 sew-alongs now and I don't think I can work on anything but those over the next few months. Or, at least, I should get those finished at the beginning of the month before doing anything else.

      Thank you for your encouragement. I appreciate it.

  9. The portion you have sewn together looks wonderful! Yes, everything seems to take longer, especially if it is a bit tedious. I write down a set of goals at the beginning of the week, I rarely make all of them, but it gives me a plan.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. I have a to-do list each day that I work on, somewhat like your weekly goal list. This quilt, though, was my one monthly goal and unfortunately I think it was too big a goal for this particular month!

  10. Oh my gosh! I am so with you!!! I underestimate time a lot!! I love what you are doing there - that quilt will be beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Alicia. I hope the finished quilt looks good!


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