Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cheddarback Block 15, that Really Hard Basket

Most everyone in the Cheddarback Facebook group who's made this basket and shared it commented about how hard it was, so I was prepared to cut carefully and sew even more carefully.  I guessed it might take me a while to make it so I set aside today to do it.  And it did take me the better part of the day!

Gay Bomers of Sentimental Stitches graciously provided a non-paper-pieced pattern which is the one I used.  I was extra careful as I cut all the pieces, laying each on a board to keep them in order for sewing.  I sewed 6 triangles to make 3 squares.  I anticipated that they should measure 1 3/8" like the corner square at the tip of the basket.  But they were smaller.  I wasn't sure what to do, especially when I calculated the measurements and they didn't come out to 5½".  I finally decided to sew a scant ¼" seam.

And, surprise of surprises, it worked!  It measures correctly and I didn't lose any points.  (How I wish I'd found a good plaid for the basket.)

Cheddarback Block 15

Well, except for one on the very bottom of the basket.  It's not as obvious as one of the red points would have been.  I had to unstitch and cut a larger triangle of background fabric.  The pattern called for a 2½" square cut diagonally but it was too small.  I cut a 3" triangle and then trimmed it after I sewed it to the block.  

I don't like baskets all that much but I have to admit this one is cute, probably because it's so petite.

I've been working on my Sweet Land of Liberty quilt.  All has not gone smoothly but that quilt will get a post of its own.

I also pulled out my quarter cabin blocks and have been making more as leaders/enders.  I had to cut more red centers and used leftovers cut from the excess backing fabric from a quilt before binding.

I don't have a plan for these but I'm trying to envision them on-point in a strippy quilt.  I have 78 finished and several dozen in progress.  They will finish at 4".   I had to do something with my abundance of strings!

I hope you're having a great weekend.



  1. That is a very pretty basket block. I like the deep reds and black together. Congrats on getting it to come out the right size.
    Wonderful scrappy half log cabin blocks. They are so colorful!

    1. Thank you, Janet. The original creator of Cheddarback used black fabric with a clover -- a beautiful green. I wish I had a similar fabric but I don't. I like this one well enough and I think it works okay for this quilt. I love the bright quarter cabins. I'm still trying to imagine how to use them!

  2. Your sweet little basket is amazing. Baskets are one of my favorites, though I don’t make them very often. I love your little string blocks, too.

    1. Thanks, Jennie. I think lots of people like baskets but they're not one of my favorites, especially the pieced kind. But I know I'm going to get lots of practice making a variety of them with this quilt. I'll either learn to love them or not. Haha.

  3. Very charming Basket! It looks so authentic and you did a beautiful job of piecing.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. As I look at it again I see some improvements I could make but I'm going to leave it as it is. I'll call it authentic. Haha.


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