Thursday, June 6, 2019

One Monthly Goal for June

I'm taking it a little easy this month and choosing just five blocks to make for my One Monthly Goal.  They are not the only things I'll be doing but I'm not highly motivated just now and have a few other non-quilting things I need to do.

These are the Cheddarback blocks for this month, not in numeric order.  They are blocks 16-20, one 12" (on the lower right) and four 5" blocks.  I've laid out possible fabrics that I already own that I think may work to keep the same feel as the original blocks.  But, of course, I may probably change them if I see/find other fabrics I think are closer to the originals.

You can see the blocks for June at Sentimental Stitches and you can still download them for free until June 30.  You can see the fabrics and colors of the original blocks there.

So, that's my One Monthly Goal for June.  I'm linking to One Monthly Goal Link-up for June at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. Five blocks is still a nice goal! Nice fabrics.

    1. Thanks, Cynthia. I'm trying to find fabrics that are close to the ones the original maker of Cheddarback used. It's a fun challenge!

  2. I like the idea of choosing fabrics from my many boxes of reproduction fabrics. The reality is, I have so many and I make such a mess that I am avoiding starting this one. I did however, find some fabric that is the exact reproduction of one in block 6 from April. The polka dot cinnamon fabric inside the star.

    1. Lucky you to have a great selection of reproduction fabrics, Chris. I know what you mean about making a mess when pulling fabrics, though. It's fun that you have the exact reproduction from Block 6. I'll be interested to see your blocks if you decide to make this quilt!

  3. I agree, it is fun to choose the fabrics--unless nothing clicks. :) Five blocks sounds like a good goal to me.

    1. Yes, Janet, the nothing clicks (or, in this case, nothing comes close to the fabrics in the original Cheddarback) make it less fun. I'll get those five blocks done but I'm hoping I find another red and white stripe soon so I can get all the blocks made!

  4. Blocks are a great goal! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!


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