Wednesday, August 7, 2019

One Monthly Goal for August, 2019

Motivation is hard to come by these days.  Thank goodness for online, public declarations of monthly goals!

My goal this month is to catch up with Lori's Sweet Land of Liberty sewalong, hosted on Cheri Payne's Facebook page/group.  Below is a photo of what I made the last time around but didn't finish.

This is what I should be doing for August with notes about what I still need to do:
> 4 Economy blocks
> 4 Snail's Trail blocks - done
> couple and tree - done EXCEPT for the lettering
> checkerboard and stars - done EXCEPT for appliquing the stars

So I'm more than halfway finished with that part.

The other part of the August sewalong includes sewing the top part of the quilt together.

These are the pieces to be assembled, mostly ready to go.  I'll have to decide about
> the flag near the log cabin (whether it goes or stays)
> whether to add a heart to the sawtooth star block, and
> whether to add the three flying geese to the flying angel block

You may remember that I increased the length and width of the two blocks on the left, which means I'll have to adjust the other blocks in that row so they all fit with the top section.  This quilt is such an improv-style quilt that I doubt the changes will make much of a noticeable difference in the finished quilt.  I just wanted it to be longer and wider than the original.

I'm just under the wire for the August One Monthly Goal link up at Elm Street Quilts!



  1. Oh I love your take on these blocks--really nice work--you've accomplished a whole lot. All lovely--but i really like your Lady Liberty block--super work hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much for your kind compliments, Julierose.

  2. It looks so good to me.
    If it was mine I'd leave the flag as is, add the heart, and not worry about doing the flying geese, but that is just my opinion. :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words about the blocks/quilt and for sharing your thoughts about the flag, heart, and geese, Janet. The little flag the doll is holding isn't stitched down yet. Because I changed the orientation of the doll from the original, the flag doesn't fit quite as well as in Cheri's version, which is why I'm considering just removing it. I'm so unmotivated just now, we'll see if I manage to do any more than just get those blocks sewn together and finish up what I started for this month.

  3. Oh whatever you decide will be wonderful, Nancy. You have sweet projects on the go presently. And good luck with your monthly goal.

  4. Your improv style is very inspiring as I have a stack of blocks I've been trying to arrange in a pleasing pattern (Most of which are not the same size) I also love the homespun fabrics you use. Great to find your blog!!

    1. Thanks so much for your comments, Katy. I hope you're able to find an arrangement you like for your blocks. Sometimes it's a challenge!

  5. Great work! I have all my blocks prepped, just need to sew/appliqué/stitch! Thanks again for the tree pattern!

    1. Thank you, Karrin. I'm looking forward to seeing your blocks!

  6. This is quite a accomplishment. I like your flag ,the house does look a bit busy for it maybe another block. You will know what is best that works. thank you for visiting me.

    1. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts about the blocks. I haven't done anything with them other than look as I walk by. I'll have to get busy on them soon!

  7. Blocks look wonderful. Thanks for linking up to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.


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