Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Claiming My Finish for One Monthly Goal

I'm just checking in to claim a finish for my One Monthly Goal for October.  I focused on completing the month's two large Cheddarback blocks and sewing the groups of four small blocks together with sashing and cornerstones.  Here are the results (in photos with somewhat inaccurate color).

Blocks 35 and 34
Cheddarback Blocks 35 and 34

Blocks 2-5
Cheddarback Blocks 2-5

Blocks 7-10
Cheddarback Blocks 7-10

Blocks 12-15
Cheddarback Blocks 12-15

Blocks 17-20
Cheddarback Blocks 17-20

Blocks 22-25
Cheddarback Blocks 22-25

Blocks 27-30
Cheddarback Blocks 27-30

Blocks 31, 32, and two letters
Cheddarback Blocks 31, 32, and letters N and D

Whew!  Sashing takes a lot time to cut!  I cut enough for these blocks and just a few more and I was ready for a break.  I'll have to cut some more soon so I can sew the small blocks to the larger ones.

I don't know why I thought the creator of Cheddarback had made up most of these blocks, but as I was looking through several block books, I began to see some of these blocks.  One of these days I'll make a list of block numbers and names, but not today.

Many thanks to Gay Bomers for creating patterns for these blocks.  You can see the original blocks for this month here, at Gay's blog, Sentimental Stitches.

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal - October Finish Link-up at Elm Street Quilts and at BOMs Away at What a Hoot Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. Just beautiful blocks you've finished!! This will be a wonderful quilt nice work hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose.  I'm hoping I love the end result as much as I enjoy making the blocks.

  2. Such pretty blocks...your color choices are so perfect. I have fallen way behind on this one!

    1. Thank you, Julie.  You may be behind on this one but you've finished so many other quilts this year.  I don't know how you get so much done!

  3. Love your blocks. This is a fun sew along. I love seeing what everyone is doing. Hugs

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy.  It has been interesting to see what fabrics all the other participants choose.  Some use the original as a guide, some go their own way.

  4. Congrats on your finish--the blocks look great! I'm so anxious for the next set of Cheddarback blocks to be posted--it's been lots of fun, so far!

    1. Thank you, Karen.  I've been enjoying making the Cheddarback blocks, too.  So much variety, so many challenges, so much juggling (for me) to find similar fabrics.  Tomorrow!  I wonder if Gay will post four more or just two more.

  5. What cute sashing fabric. I bet it feels good to have them sewn and all together. I like the background fabric you used for your lily block. It accents the applique really well.

    1. Thank you, Robin.  The sashing fabric was as close to the original as I found locally.  I debated about the red background for the lily block because it's just to the right of the red and white striped block, but I think it will be okay.

  6. Looks to me like you have made great progress, Nancy. And it does look like a lot of work. Nice job!

    1. Thank you, Janet.  I think I need to try to keep up with sashing every month and then it won't seem like so much work all at one time.

  7. Great blocks. Lovely to see your quilt coming together. I'd highly recommend a book by Judith Hopkins called '501 Rotary Cut Quilt Blocks' if you want to have a catalogue of blocks and their names. Judith's book is wonderful as it gives cutting instructions in six sizes for each of the 501 blocks.

    1. Thank you, Allison.  Thank you for mentioned Hopkins's book.  I love it.  I don't own a copy but have it on almost permanent loan from the library.  (One of these days I'll buy it.)  She has a good variety of blocks and I'm so grateful to find 12" versions for most of them.

  8. These look really nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  9. Congratulations on your finish, your blocks look great!

  10. This quilt is coming right along...and looking great!!

    1. Thank you, Jennie.  I think we're coming up on the halfway point or maybe just past it.  It's a long sew-along, as sew-alongs go -- more than a year.  But, thank goodness, I'm enjoying it.


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