Friday, February 28, 2020

Bread, Snow, and Other Snapshots

Bread from a recipe the book Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day.  Yum!  It really does take only five minutes -- not including the baking.
a loaf of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

Beautiful snow this week with big flakes.  We got about an inch.  I know most people are ready for spring but our winter has been greyer than grey with very little snow.  I'd love one good, heavy snowfall before spring.
pine trees with snow

A rainbow, of sorts.  My winter hat, purchased at the thrift store.  I believe it was hand knit and evidently unloved for someone to give it up.  Now it is much-loved.
hand-knit hat

A snake skin.  Ugh.  I was surprised that it felt like plastic.
empty snake skin

Some seashells have round holes near the hinges because a moon snail drills a hole in the shell to so it can eat the body inside. 
sea shells with holes near hinge

I am always surprised at the colors of sea shells -- not just white but so many tan, cream, and coral tints, too.
sea shells

A cheese rind!  Beautiful color, interesting pattern.
coral-colored cheese rind

Just a few photos of things that caught my attention the past two weeks.



  1. LOVE all these snapshots! I haven't baked in a while -- your bread is tempting.

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanne.  The bread recipe is so easy.  I think there are only 4 ingredients, a few minutes to mix it, let it rest, form and let rise, a few minutes to bake a loaf, store it in the refrigerator and bake another loaf the next day.  It's from the book, "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day."

  2. Beautiful photos! And lovely bread! Is it the No Knead/ Dutch oven kind? Yours is prettier than mine.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. The bread is no knead but not Dutch Oven. I baked it on a pizza stone. The recipe comes from the book, "Artisan Bread if 5 Minutes a Day." My loaves usually have an x on the top, just two slices with the knife before baking. This time I decided to try something different, just to see. When I poked the knife in my daughter, watching, gasped, as if I'd made a horrible mistake. It wasn't a perfect looking loaf but it tasted great. I think yours looked beautiful, too!


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