Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Washing away What You Can't See

I'm ready to be done with this coronavirus business.  You, too?  I wish I could snap my fingers and it would be gone but there's no magic in my fingers!  And I can't decide whether things are getting better or worse.  If I had to base the answer on Ohio numbers, it's getting worse.  Of course it will eventually get better, we just don't know when.  Seeing as the virus isn't going away tomorrow I'm sharing these two videos I thought were excellent.

I found this video positively fascinating, probably because I was so unaware.  (How can you be aware of things you can't see?)  This fellow gives us (and a group of third-graders) a fun way to see how germs spread.

You probably wash your hands often, especially now, and you probably do a good job of it.  I thought I did until I saw this video and realized all the spots I may miss while washing, even if I wash them for 20 seconds.  The black on his hands represents the soap.  The audio is not English but the images are self-explanatory. 

I hope you and those you love are staying safe and healthy.  When we come out the other side of this we'll be better people, more knowledgeable, more careful, perhaps kinder, and surely more grateful.   



  1. Always kind of freaks me out when I see these kinds of videos. I am inspired to wash better, but I also don't like to think about all the things I touch that have been touched by people who are not good hand washers!

    1. I'm so sorry, Janet.  I didn't mean to freak out any readers.  I just thought they were interesting by way of education and then encouragement to be aware.  It is hard to imagine who has touched when at the grocery store (or any store), then put it in the cart and bring it home.  I buy packaged sliced cheese and as I was opening the package the other day it hit me that I needed to either wipe off the package with disinfectant or at the very least, wash my hands before touching the cheese.  I'm sure it's something I should have always been doing.  I watched a video made by a doctor today who recommended wiping off plastic containers of food we bring home with something sterile.  He used paper towels and a spray bottle of something.  He also recommended throwing away the cardboard boxes from cereal and similar foods.  Germs have always been around but the coronavirus germs seem in a class all by themselves!
      I hope you have a good weekend (and maybe forget those two videos).

  2. The skin on my hands is so dry and flakey from frequent washings!! Aaargh!! We are in the same condition here in SE CT, New Yorkers are fleeing their city and coming to open their Summer places here in our and surrounding beach our cases will be rising for sure. Gov has ordered 14-day quarantines for them, but...well let's not go there...
    Soooo, worrying...for sure; stay vigilant..hugs from afar, julierose

    1. I know, Julierose.  We have to wash but dry skin is awful.  Do you have lotion that helps?
      It may be hard for people in your location with all the (undiagnosed and possibly contagious) New Yorkers coming there.  I think it people would just stay put in their homes we might be able to overcome this thing but we're a society of people who are used to being on the go.  I hope those coming to your state do quarantine for 14 days.  It would help a lot!
      I hope this virus bypasses you and your husband!

  3. It is so stressful. Every item I pick up at the grocery store, I think to myself "I wonder how many hands have touched this today?". Tokyo is going on shutdown this weekend (yes, just for a weekend, supposedly!). Anyway, these are good videos! I'm sure we are all washing our hands much more thoroughly now!

    1. Oh, me, too, Cynthia.  When I opened a package of cheese slices the other day I decided to wash my hands before touching the cheese.  We just never know.   And the sad thing is, people who may have the virus don't know, either.  Of course it would help if everyone stayed home.  I watched a video today by a medical doctor who suggested that we sanitize food before or as we bring it into our homes.  I think that's a good idea and I'll probably implement it the next time we bring food home.
      I hope you don't feel confined by your weekend indoors.  I usually stay home but as soon as I was told I had to stay home I suddenly felt almost trapped.  Strange how our minds twist our perceptions (at least my mind does, sometimes).

  4. Both very insightful videos! Thanks for sharing

    1. You're welcome. I thought they were interesting and insightful, too, and I'm doing things a little differently because of them!


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