Monday, April 13, 2020

Backing for The Blue and the Gray

When I last wrote about The Blue and the Gray someone suggested that I probably wanted to layer and finish it soon.  True, but I knew I didn't (and still don't) have enough of any one fabric for a back.  Lying in bed that night waiting for sleep the quilt popped into my mind and I began to think about possibilities.  How about five rows across the back, alternating blue and grey?  Maybe.  The next morning I pulled out blues and greys that I thought might work for the back.

There were the greys.

From left to right, the black and grey plaid comes from a pair of women's shorts; the next two greys are fat quarters or a little more; the gingham is brushed cotton from a shirt; then two more fat quarters; the grey and white grid and the very light grey are also brushed cotton from shirts; and the one on the right was a shirt.

And the blues.
From left to right, a piece of solid, medium quality cotton; leftover fabric from the sashing; another solid; two fabrics from shirts; another solid cotton; and a piece of flannel that had been a shirt.  I debated using that last piece for sashing but it catches threads like crazy.

Then I went back to look one more time for any other blues or greys I overlooked or missed the first time and found this piece of fabric.

Ohhh, the perfect fabric for the back of this quilt!

Sadly, I had only a yard but since I bought it at Connecting Threads I hoped they might still have some in stock, even though I bought it two years ago.  (This non-marketing person has no idea how long it takes to sell out a line of fabric.)

I headed to their website and typed "Arcadian Dusk" (the name on the selvedge) into the search box.  Yes, it came up, but this particular fabric was not among those shown as available from that collection.  Oh, too bad. 

While I was at their website I thought I might as well look at their clearance fabrics to see if there might be one I could use instead.  Scrolling, scrolling.  Wait!  What's this?  That's it!  And there were yards available.
I have no idea why their search engine did not find this fabric when I searched by name but I was pleased to see that they had it.  I ordered 5½ yards, thinking it would ship in a day and I'd have it in a few days and could wash it, layer, baste, and begin quilting.  But no, not so fast.  After finishing the purchase, a notice popped up telling me that Connecting Threads was taking orders but not currently shipping.  Well, okay, I'll wait.  I didn't think there was a way to cancel the order and I wasn't sure I really wanted to try to piece the back using 15 different fabrics, anyway.  I'll be patient until this Covid-19 pandemic wanes and stores are open again.

And then a strange thing happened.  On Friday, April 10, Connecting Threads sent an email saying that my fabric had shipped with an estimated arrival date of April 14.  Go figure.  I might actually get this quilt ready sooner than later!

In the meantime I'm playing with possible layouts for Baskets of Plenty #6 and choosing fabric for Cheddarback so I can cut those blocks.  There's plenty to do.  I just wish I had the energy to do it more quickly.

I hope all is well with you and yours. 



  1. Congrats on finding the backing fabric that you were looking for!! Here's hoping it really DOES arrive today.

    1. Thank you, Joyful.  It didn't arrive today but that's okay because I was working on something else.  Maybe tomorrow....

  2. Very cool that you found more of that nice fabric online! And, that it's actually going to arrive. Happy day when you can baste your quilt.

    1. Yes, it's great to have found it, Cynthia.  I'll have to match the pattern after I wash and dry the fabric, so that may take a little time.  Plenty of time around here!

  3. Wow--did you ever get lucky to come across that fabric! It's going to be a perfect finish for your quilt!

    1. I think it's perfect, too, Karen.  The quilt will be very grey!  Though now I'm thinking again about the wide grey and blue stripes.  How often I second guess myself!

  4. I think the pieced back would have been wonderful, esp the grey collection. But hard to do! Since many of your pulled fabrics were garments you can't have much of any of them. Difficult, but again, very cool, very interesting. On the other hand, the print yardage is perfect. I got worried for you as I knew C Threads was not shipping. How lucky you are, they must have a small staff. I was very surprised you found the older print, too.
    Will Cheddarback have a cheddar back? I can't recall if you like that bright chrome orange?


    1. Oh, Lizzy, I think you're right that the pieced, wide blue and grey stripes would have looked great.  I just wish the quality of several of the fabrics were better.  I think they are from pre-quilting days or from a recycle center where someone else gave them away (probably because of the quality).  I think the grey fabric I chose for backing is perfect but this quilt will be very grey, both front and back!  Haha.
      Yes, I was surprised they had the older print and surprised they weren't shipping!  I thought that would have been noted across the top of their website as a heads up to people who wanted their fabric soon.  Anyway, it's coming, one of these days.
      Cheddarback will not have a cheddar back.  I would love to find an old-fashioned print (flower?) with both blue and pink/rose/red, since those seem to be the predominant colors, but I doubt I'll find a fabric like that.  The Fat Quarter Shop is having a sale on Riley Blake's Confetti Cottons which are oh-so-wonderful solids.  Maybe they will have a good color.  I haven't checked yet.

  5. Are you just starting your Cheddarback quilt? I started mine last week and have the first four blocks made. I will follow your blog for updates. (I am blogless.)

    1. Hi, Joan.  I'm near the end of the Cheddarback blocks.  I think I have just over a dozen to make.  But I've posted and written about all the blocks.  Follow this link to get to the posts: 

      Are you enjoying the blocks?  I thought most of them were fun to make and the ones that weren't I usually learned something.  Some were just downright challenging -- new techniques, etc.

  6. How amazing! You and this fabric were really meant to be. What a delightful tale. Makes me feel good. Now, on to the quilting. . .

    1. Thanks, Robin.  Were you the one, in an email, who suggested I'd want to quilt this soon?  I can't remember who and didn't go back to read.  If it was you, thank you.  I would have folded up this top and put it on the stack if you (or whoever) hadn't suggested quilting it soon.  It will be good to have a quilt in the hoop.

  7. It really is the perfect fabric for your quilt - I'm glad you found it!
    I'm not letting shipping times bother me - I'm just grateful that the companies are open at all, and grateful that people are working, and grateful that the Post Office is moving things along. It will take as long as it takes. (My grandma would be so happy that that 'patience is a virtue' thing finally sunk in!)

    1. Thanks, Gayle.  I'm not really much concerned about shipping times, either.  I have plenty to do without layering a quilt and there's no hurry with my lack of energy these days.  Yes, it's wonderful that people are still working and companies filling orders.  And I hope the post office is able to stay open.  I've heard rumors of it closing but don't know if there's any truth to it.  I find old age is helping with patience.

  8. I like a pieced backing for a quilt but it does take time to create. Lucky you could find what you needed. I have ordered some items...non quilting...that were not to arrive until late April but have already come.

    1. I like pieced backings, too, Karen.  I think they add a lot of interest, almost like having two quilts in one.  I just wasn't sure I had enough fabrics for this quilt.  Another time, I'm sure.
      That's great to hear that the things you ordered arrived before scheduled.  It's hard to know what to expect these days with so many places closed.

  9. Again, so interesting to hear you talk about what is going on with your quilting, Nancy. It seems fortunate-destined- that you found the exact fabric you needed available to you at CT and then they came through with shipping. Wonderful really.
    I am a little off, I think. I hate to think of how long we will be in this predicament. But we must maintain the isolation.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn.  I think I'm a little off, too.  Not worried but concerned, wondering when we'll be able to be out and about again without worrying about catching this virus.  I think we just have to keep doing the best we can, one foot in front of the other, a little at a time, every day.  I know you'll continue to enjoy your gardening and the woods near your house, and your sweet dog, and so many other things. 

  10. I've had that happen with a couple of companies, too. Superior Threads was closed for a couple of weeks, but then my order arrived. I was thankful, but surprised, like you. I like that you found the fabric that was just perfect for the backing of this quilt, though. That's a wonderful color combination, and the backing is great ... and a lot less work!

    1. Thanks, Susan.  I'm surprised that any of the companies are shipping, really, but perhaps the employees are wearing masks and staying physically distant.  I'm grateful they are but hope they aren't putting themselves in danger. 


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