Thursday, April 23, 2020

Two Diversions

In the off chance you're getting bored with quilting and the other things you've been doing while confined to home, I'm sharing two diversions.

This first is The X-Rite Color Challenge and Hue Test.
This is a one-time activity -- unless you don't score perfectly the first time and you want to go back and try again.  The website says it's "a fun, quick way to better understand your color vision acuity."  It is surprising to me how dusty pink can transition to pea green; pea green to aqua/turquoise; and turquoise to lavender.  At least those are the colors I see on my screen.

The idea is to put the colors of each row in order by hue/tone.  The first and last colors are stationary but you move the blocks between by dragging them with your mouse.  When you're finished, click the "Score My Test" button.  They ask for your age and sex, then calculate your score.  No sign in, repeatable as often as you like.  It only takes a few minutes.

The second diversion is The New Yorker's Jigsaw Puzzle which are created from the magazine's covers.
There are three levels of difficulty, the harder having more pieces with images that are harder to determine from the small puzzle pieces.  I keep forgetting to count the pieces but I think there are between 24 and 48.  If you're competitive you'll appreciate the timer and the score at the end.  The ones I've done have taken less than 15 minutes but for you that will depend on how fast you are.

Okay, that's it.  Have fun.

I hope you and the people you love are happy, healthy, and staying at home if you can.   And I especially hope you're not bored!



  1. I like that hue test--interesting how they use sex and age to calculate score ???
    I am definitely not bored: sewing, housekeeping, cooking, reading, flute playing, walking my treadmill, riding my indoor bike etc etc phew no time for boredom here..;))) ~ ~ ~ waving on a gray day..Julierose

    1. I wonder if they ask sex and age because eyes see differently at different ages?  And sex -- who knows!
      Technically, I shouldn't be bored and I don't supposed I really am.  There's plenty to do but, as you say, I don't necessarily want to do it.  I think I'm just feeling confined.

  2. P,S, Me, again--of course-- I mean do I FEEL like doing these things is the question??hahaha

  3. I 've done this before and it IS fun. However I know from ordering fabric that my monitor's colors aren't accurate so the challenge becomes more "Am I seeing?'' than "what do you see?".

    1. OOh. I got a 2. Oddly in my fave color of Caribbean blues/ turquoise.

    2. I guessed that each monitor would show the colors slightly differently, Lizzy, but I assumed that since I was moving the colors about on the same screen that it would all work out okay.  But how true it is that when we order fabric what we see (or think we see) may not be the actual color of the fabric! 

      Congratulations on your two!  It tells you which colors you didn't get right?!

  4. Thanks for the links. I did not know about the New Yorker puzzle site. I enjoy working the puzzles of that type. I just tried one. Now I will see about the color challenge.

    1. You're welcome, Karen.  Every once in a while I take a break and do one of the New Yorker puzzles.  I suppose they make my brain work....  Did you enjoy the color challenge (if you did it)?

  5. I had fun with the color hue test and surprised myself with a perfect score. Probably the only thing I have done or will do perfectly in quite a while!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the hue test and even happier to know that you scored a perfect 0!  In all the world, in all the things we do, perfection sometimes seems elusive, or uncertain.  It's fun to be perfect at something when there's absolutely no doubt it's perfect!

  6. I just tied that color perception test, that was fun! I also looked at the video talking about different lighting. Very interesting! Thanks for the link!

    1. Hi, Claire.  I'm glad you enjoyed the hue test.  I haven't looked at the video but now that you mention it, I'll go back and have a look.


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