Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Before and After

In a post a few weeks ago I asked appliquers if they thought it would be possible to remove the stitches from around this block and have most of the pieces remain stitched together. 

Most responded with suggestions for getting the blue out of the background fabric (for which I was very grateful!) but few shared thoughts about whether the appliqued pieces would withstand being unstitched and remain together.

There were two reasons why I wanted to unstitch this applique.  The first was the halo of blue around the flower on the left.  When I first made the block I thought I would be able to live with it but three years later, now, I knew I couldn't.  The second was that the background fabric was a little coarse and of lesser quality (and one I shouldn't have used in the first place).  When there's one mistake, I usually just fix it as easily as possible, but when there are two mistakes I go back to where the first mistake began and redo from there.  So I unstitched the outside edges where the applique met the background fabric.  The above right photo is what was left behind the applique.

Sadly, I didn't take a photo of the applique pieces after I removed them.  I don't know why I expected them to be like cardboard but they were limp and floppy, like wilted flowers.  But most of the stitches holding the pieces together remained intact.  Whew!

I prepared new background fabric, made a new blue flower (checking to be sure the fabric wouldn't bleed), changed the center of the little red flower on the right, and then stitched everything back in place.

Baskets of Plenty Block 4

This is not the best block I've ever made (you know how it is when you go back to things you made years ago!) but I'm okay with it.

I've learned that it's possible to unstitch an applique, how to do it, and what the possible results will be.  But I hope I don't have to do this again!

On to the last Basket of Plenty block.  I'm still playing with flower patterns, colors, and fabrics.  The fun part!

Here's a little humor for you.  I was coming down the stairs the other morning when I was surprised to hear a sweet, little voice join in a conversation between my husband and me.  It seemed to be coming from my phone and I could only guess it was Google.  This is how the conversation went. 

Husband:  I took the car for an oil change this morning.
Me:   Oh, great!  Thank you!
Phone:  I am here to please.  (Nothing like taking the credit for something she didn't do, huh?!)
Me:  Google, what are you doing today?
Google:  I plan on waiting here quietly until someone asks me a question.
Me:  Will you get bored just waiting quietly?
Google:  No boredom here, only helpfulness.  :0  (Google included the big smile.)

Later I repeated the last question and Google's response was, "I can't get bored.  There are too many cats and not enough time."

Who writes these things?!!!  I learned that the voice was Google Assistant.  Honestly, I have no idea how she came to be on my phone and I have no idea how to find her.  I guess I'll have to let her initiate conversations, which means she may not be much of an assistant.

I hope you have a good day today!



  1. Kudos for the mammoth "unstitching" ;000 You are so brave...I love how the new block came out...just so pretty nice work
    ~ ~ ~ waving and high-fiving Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose, but it really wasn't too much unstitching -- maybe an hour's worth.  Yes, I felt brave (or maybe crazy!) as I was doing it, especially not knowing whether it would work or not.  I'm happy I made the change.

  2. There ARE too many cats and not enough time. Also not a big enough house. I'm also glad to hear the applique transplant went well.

    1. LOL.  I don't have any cats now (used to have one many years ago) but my daughter has two and brings them to visit when she comes, and I don't have enough time these days, either, even though I'm home all the time!  I'm so pleased the reapplique worked, too!  Thank you.

  3. Nice save on your applique block. I like the new center to the red flower too. Too funny on the Goggle Asst. Our hub has chided my hubby for not asking questions nicely and now thanks him when he uses the word please! There's also a funny/sad response from Siri if you ask her what 0 divided by 0 equals. I wonder who programs these things??

    1. Thanks, Karen.  I thought the first center of the red flower blended too well but now I wonder if the new center is too small.  I don't suppose anyone will go over it with a fine tooth comb when it's finally finished.
      That's crazy that your AI has chided your husband!  Don't you sometimes wonder if there's a real person responding?  I'll have to ask GA what 0 divided by 0 equals and see what her answer is.  It seems like the same question may get different responses.

  4. I know it was a lot of work but it turned out so much nicer than the first block. Maybe the bleeding was a blessing. Pretty, pretty block.

    1. Thank you, Robin.  I was surprised at how easily I was able to unstitch the applique and it didn't really take too long just going around the outside edge.  I think choosing new fabrics and stitching it back on took a little longer.
      I don't really like making mistakes and having to correct them but when I see them and know I need to change them, I always look over whatever work it is to see if there's some other mistake too, and often there is.  So, yes, I think, the bleeding was definitely a blessing.

  5. I have to agree with Robin. At first I thought the block was fine, but when you described the coarse background on top of the bleeding, I could see why you wanted it remade. So glad it worked out, and the changes you made to the block really made a difference.

    1. Thank you, Janet.  It's a good lesson to me to be more careful about the fabric I use in the first place!

  6. Your new block looks great and wow what a process! Funny about Google assistant!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia.  It was an interesting process, especially because I wasn't sure it would work and knowing that I could have had to restitch every edge of every applique piece.  Now I know it can be done, with caution.

  7. That google assistant conversation made me laugh and laugh.

    1. Oh, I know. It makes me laugh, too, Brenna.

  8. Nice save on the appliqué. Google assistant can be both funny and creepy .

    1. Thank you, Jennie.  I'm grateful the block came out okay after all the unstitching!
      Since this was my first experience with Google Assistant I don't know about the creepy part yet -- and I'm not sure I want to find out, either.


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