Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Hymn for Sunday

My husband, daughter, and I were at this performance of The Cardinal Chorale in the Rotunda of the Ohio Statehouse on June 18, 2019.  We had just come off the adjacent elevator and I thought we might have arrived in Heaven, the music was so exquisitely beautiful.  The acoustics there are amazing:  the singing rose to the height of the Rotunda which doubled it and sent it back to our ears.

These are the lyrics for The King of Love:  

     The King of love my shepherd is,
     Whose goodness faileth never.
     I nothing lack if I am His,
     And He is mine forever.

     Where streams of living water flow,
     My ransomed soul He leadeth;
     And where the verdant pastures grow,
     With food celestial feedeth.

     And so through all the length of days,
     Thy goodness faileth never.
     Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
     Within Thy house forever.

The Cardinal Chorale is a group of young people from high school juniors to college sophomores.  They are involved in a workshop for a week or so each summer, then at home they learn and practice the music until the next summer when they gather to perform.  Their performance at the Statehouse was for their benefit, to experience the sound in that setting, and there was no audience except those of us who happened to be there. 

I wish you a wonderful Sabbath.



  1. Beautiful hymn! Blessings to you, Nancy.

    1. Thank you, Happy Quilter. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. That's beautiful. We live in Ohio but I have never been to the statehouse. If we ever go I will definitely point out to my husband the acoustics. He'll look at me like I have two heads because I am not a music person, although my favorite I Heart Radio is Casting Crowns -- which is all praise worthy.

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Kathy. Ohio Statehouse tours are free but you can wander around without a tour. I enjoyed the Casting Crowns song I listened to. I'll listen to more sometime soon. Thanks for letting me know about the group.

  3. Thank you for sharing. That is beautiful and sent tingles down my spine.My son and I were fortunate enough to be walking around a nearly empty Winchester Cathedral when the choir were rehearsing. The whole building filled and resounded with those voices singing praises to God where His praises have been sung for ten Centuries or more. Very special.

    1. You're welcome, Allison. I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to hear the Winchester Cathedral choir in person! And to imagine all those centuries of hymns and praises sung there -- amazing, really.

  4. What fabulous acoustics! Thanks so much for sharing this. I haven't heard the hymn before, but their voices are beautiful and the sound gives me chills, it's so wonderful.

    1. You're welcome, Susan. The video doesn't really do justice to being there in person but it's a hint of the beauty of the sound. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think last year was the first time I'd heard the hymn, too.

  5. Lovely. Too bad things are so different this year.

    1. I agree, Jennie. It is too bad things are so different. We'd been looking forward to being at the Statehouse when they sang this year. Maybe next year.


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