Saturday, June 27, 2020

Testing (and Grumbling about) the New Blogger

I'm expecting a fail with this new version of Blogger but I'm hoping against it.

Let's try a photo.
So far so good. 

Now let's try a preview.  Nope, not so good.  It won't show me a preview.  But wait, the fine print (or the little box at the bottom left of the screen that pops up and disappears before I can read it) says, "Preparing preview."  Waiting, waiting, waiting....  And, it's still not available after a trip downstairs to take laundry from the dryer.   I depend on previews.  And after more than 20 minutes, the only way I can see a preview is by returning to Legacy Blogger.

Why is the font so large in the column on the right with labels, etc.?  In old Blogger all the icons are across the top and easy to use.  Now, I have to click the column of three dots to see more options. 

And why is everything so spread out?  I'm in favor of conserving space so I don't have to race my mouse all over the screen to do a few simple things.

And what was wrong with the old Blogger, anyway?  (Can you tell I don't like change?)

Google Blog tells me it wants to create an "easy and intuitive experience" for anyone who wants to blog.  I think they mean the people who blog from their cell phones or the people who are tech savvy.  I know it doesn't mean me because there is nothing easy or intuitive about this newest version of Blogger.  Maybe Blogger really wants to discontinue the blogging platform and drive people to Instagram or some other method of sharing.  Or maybe it wants to re-attract the younger folks who've already moved to Instagram.  I'm sad to say it may drive me away from blogging altogether.

But wait!  There may be one good thing about this new version.  I can click on a photo and change the size by dragging a corner.  That was a wonderful option in the first version of Blogger I ever used, the one before Legacy Blogger.  (Except sadly, it doesn't always work.)

So, I'll continue to use Legacy Blogger as long as I can and maybe try to practice with the new Blogger.

I really, really don't like change.  (You can probably hear me sighing all the way from here to there.)



  1. Agreed with all of the above;000 ;(((( Not fun or easy to use at all...
    Every time I load a picture, all my writing becomes centered automatically--very annoying...grumbling right along with you Julierose

    1. Is it getting better/easier, Julierose?  Not yet for me but I hope it will -- or even more I hope Google/Blogger will make changes to make it easier.

  2. I not a fan of change either, but after a few days, I didn't go back to the legacy version. For me, the preview "eyeball" over on the right works fine for me. Processing times seem longer, but it works.

    1. I'm so glad you've learned to like the new version of Blogger, Joyful.  And even better that the preview works well.  Perhaps both will happen for me in the near future.  I can only hope!

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one having issues with "waiting", etc. I don't mind change (good for the brain, as they say), if it is for the better and works properly--something that isn't happening here!

    1. I'm good with change for improvements, Karen.  If only that were happening with this new Blogger.  And I suppose everyone has his or her own idea about what change is for the better, but I don't think that anyone can argue that this new Blogger is not working properly! 

  4. I agree with everything you've said. My favorite [not] thing is the tiny new post icon hidden at the lower right corner. Shouldn't writing a new post be THE most important thing? How is that intuitive, to stick it over ther. One thing I know, Im not gonna blog on my phone, w it;s itty bitty screen/ font and unedited pictures.

    1. Oh, Lizzy, you are so right about a new post being the most important thing.  But this new version makes that hard as well as so many other things.  I wonder if these changes will become the death of my blogs.

  5. Yeah, I'm not happy either. I was having enough trouble overcoming inertia to make a post at all - now it's a huge drag even to put up a *quick post*. Argh...

    1. I just keep hoping maybe the people at Blogger will change their minds and we'll be able to use what they call Legacy Blogger for years and years.

  6. The thing that is bothering me on the new blogger is that when I click on the blog I want to go to it gives me a redirect screen that I need to click on to go to the blog I wanted to go to in the first place. A pet-peeve of mine is having to take two steps on the computer when it can be done in one.

    1. Oh, no!  I hadn't even tried going to one of my other blogs before I wrote this post, Robin.  I wonder how many other things I haven't tried that will be awful!  I agree with your pet peeve.  Just keep it simple and direct -- a click and we're there.  I hope we all adjust and there are no blog casualties along the way.

  7. I felt so stupid when I couldn't find how to write a new post and a fellow blogger had to point it out to me. I guess I wasn't intuitive enough myself. Yes, there has been a learning curve but I'm getting used to it now and it does have glitches that you have to work around. Which really doesn't make it improved. I wonder what the end plan is.

    1. I had trouble figuring out where to click for a new post, too, Jocelyn.  I'm glad you're getting used to the new Blogger.  Maybe I'll get there one of these days/months/years.  I wish they didn't give us something new before they had the glitches worked out. 

  8. I think a lot of the changes for all the blog systems are coming about for the convenience of those who blog from phones and live with their phone 24 hours a day. That's not me, and sounds like not you, so it won't be more convenient for the ones who don't.

    I never switched to the new wordpress, and today I saw something for a NEW new wordpress. I'm really happy with the OLD old wordpress, as it allows me to be in control of almost everything, and each new system gives less control to the blogger. At some point, if they make me change, I'll be finished blogging. =)

    I hope you find preview. That is such an important part of checking for me. I sometimes don't see a mistake on the page where I'm writing, but it stands out in preview.

    1. I think you're right, Susan.  When I saw the larger icons I could only guess it was for the benefit of fingers touching tiny screens.  But really, how many people would blog from their phones?  I can't imagine it.
      It's great you had the option to continue with the old Wordpress you love and that works so well.  Blogger took away the option for previous versions so we're stuck with what they want us to use.  I hope I don't become a casualty of this newest version.
      I did find preview but it took forever to come up.  In fact, I finally opened a new window, went back to Legacy blogger, and looked at the preview from there.  I don't understand how they think these changes are improvements!


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