Monday, August 3, 2020

That Sinking Feeling

Do you ever have that sinking feeling?  It's almost like my insides are deflating and I'm left sitting in a little heap.  For me it's brought on by a sudden, huge disappointment and/or a realization that a permanent and unhappy change is imminent or has happened.  And nothing I can do will stop the change.

That sinking feeling came upon me this morning when I opened Blogger to find myself in the new version AND read that the Legacy version would be removed on August 24.

I knew it was coming:  we've had advance warning for at least a month.  I knew it would be permanent (for at least a few years).  And I knew, from the previews and from a trial or two, that the change would not be easy.  I remember when Blogger made the last change, I made a little comment about not liking it on my other blog and a commenter reminded me that Blogger IS free and I didn't really have any right to complain.  True as that may be, I still have that sinking feeling. 

For the younger crowd, I think blogging is a dead art, not a dying one.  They've moved on to Instagram and other more immediate, easier ways to share images and brief thoughts.  It's those of us who want to write and share more detail who keep blogging.  I believe Blogger believes that making it easier to blog by phone (with larger icons spread further apart) will draw the younger crowd back to blogging.  But I don't know a single person among my blogging friends who blogs from her/his phone.  And I don't know a single young person who would choose or has chosen blogging over Instagram or Facebook or some quicker method of sharing.

How I wish Blogger/Google would do a survey among active bloggers to ask what would improve the blogging experience for them.

I don't know if my response to this change tells me how little my life is, how much I don't like change, or how satisfied I was with this version of Blogger.

I (hope I) will get over this sinking feeling in a day or two, then gather up my pluck and determination and wrestle with this new Blogger mess.

How are you doing with this Blogger change?  Do you or does anyone you know love it?


P.S.  I've tried Preview four or five times over a period of a few hours and have seen no preview.  Only by going to Legacy blogger have I been able to see a preview.  I want to tell Blogger:  "No preview, no published post.  No published post, no blogging." 


  1. I am not thrilled either; seems that they would like us to drop out and just do younger phone/tablet facebookers or instagram people (neither of which I would want or care to do) . I have trouble changing fonts, posting photos the way I want them etc. Nothing feels right to me...just i know about the sinking feeling too...
    Well, just hang in there--maybe they will come up with some kind of Instructions that I can understand!
    Hugs from Julierose

    1. I guess hanging in there is all we can do, Julierose.  Perhaps it will eventually get used to it....
      I think it was you who mentioned you had trouble finding how to start a new post.  It had been down in the right, lower corner.  I noticed yesterday that they've put it in the upper left.  Good change on their part.
      I agree, a manual would probably be helpful for some of us.

  2. Very well said. Pls copy this entire post and send it to Blogger in the Feedback space. As for the person who said it is free so you have no right to complain---that seems a bit snippy and rude. Free or not you/ we have invested many hours--years! into our blogs. This horror they are changing to is a slap in the face, as if we count for nothing.
    When I mentioned my unhappy opinion I was told I am an old dog who can't learn new tricks, again hardly kind?

    I don't want to stop blogging---but that can happen. I know Google and Blogger won't miss me at all.


    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  And oh, yes, you're right.  Google/Blogger would never miss us if we left.  (But, of course, I would miss you and your blog.)

      As I'm writing on posts and run into a problem I just stop, click the ? in a circle, and send a message.  My guess is that they might not read something as long as this post but would read a short blip explaining a problem.

  3. Mine just switched and I don't like it but I do like to blog and read others' blogs so will do my best. I have yet to figure out how to schedule a blog to post later. I think if I can do that, I'd be fine with the rest.

    1. Good for you to keep at it, Sherrill.  I think the balance will tip one way or the other, depending on whether we like to blog more than we dislike the new blogger.  I suppose more of us will keep at it despite the changes rather than quit.  It's just hard and not very comfortable.

      You can change the post date by clicking on "Published on" in the left sidebar, then click on "Set Date and time."  From there you can either type over the date and time.  You can also use the calendar to change the date you want your post to publish.

  4. I did not have any trouble with the new blogger which is strange because usually new versions cause problems. I do like the old stats section better-this new stats section is all show without much info.

    1. Oh, Pam, it's so encouraging to know that you haven't had any problems.  I hope you don't!  There's a lot I like about the old version but I particularly agree that their new stats section is not very helpful or detailed.

  5. Bless your heart! But please keep blogging! I am old, and I do not go to Instagram leaves me cold. I like to read bloggers' stories! I am not in a hurry!

    1. Thank you, Carol. I need to take my displeasure in hand, just get on with the challenge of new blogger, and keep going.

  6. There are lots of things I don't like about the new Blogger, but I guess I will have to get over it. I had messed up something and wasn't getting my comments. There was absolutely no way to fix it in the new Blogger--I had to go into Legacy to do the fix. That is just not right! I do enjoy using Instagram, but still like to blog--it seems more "official"--lol!

    1. Yes, I just have to get over it too, Karen, and just keep going.  It is really frustrating when things don't work in this new version and the only way to make them work is to go to Legacy blogger.  I agree, it is just not right.

  7. Not a fan of Instagram. Slowly making friends with NEW blogger. Hoping you will, too!

    1. "Making friends with the new Blogger" is a good way to say it, Joyful.  I just wish it were a little more friendly!  ;-)

  8. I'm not an active blogger, but I sure do enjoy following several bloggers. Yesterday my Blogger home page changed and whenever I click on a blog post I want to read, I get a strange page that states I'm being redirected to another page - almost like I've hit on a website that is a warning not to click on it. Very strange. I'm unable to search for new or different bloggers now, too. I've never used Instagram or any other similar social media. I much prefer blogs because it's like I'm sitting down to chat with a good friend. Other platforms feel cold and impersonal. Sigh.

    1. It is strange that it redirected you< Corn and Wine. Were you trying to look at one of your own posts or someone else's blog post from the Reading List? Reading Lists still work for me and I haven't had the problem you did when looking at one of my own posts. I hope the problem resolves itself.
      I like reading blogs for the same reason you do.

  9. I blog entirely from my phone using an app called Blog Touch. I paid a nominal one time fee for it. I am hoping it doesn't change.

    1. It sounds like you are great at tech stuff, Jennie.  I use my phone for phone calls, checking the weather, and sometimes reading scriptures, but not much else.  I can't imagine writing a blog post on my phone!  Good for you, though!

  10. Just been reading your post here Joy, and the comments. I've found the more I use the "new" blogger, the better I get! But am still getting double spacing, and my first photo doesn't seem to appear over on other people's lists... mustn't grumble! Hope you are finding your way around things a bit better now too.

    1. Hi, Linda.  I like your "mustn't grumble."  I'm sure I shouldn't but the frustration level is high, as well as my disappointment with the changes that seem arbitrary (as opposed to ones that are helpful).

      I keep trying the new blogger, get to the point where I want to see a preview, find that I can't, then just save the post and go back to legacy blogger to see a preview then continue from there.  It's very frustrating.  I also don't like the paragraph break [a < with a p and a > again] instead of the hard break
      when I press the return/enter key.  It changes the spacing.  Very frustrating. 

      I won't have any choice but to use the new blogger or quit blogging.  We'll see what happens when I can't use legacy blogger anymore.


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