Thursday, September 24, 2020

Shades of Brown

When Lori of Humble Quilts announced the sew-along 50 Shades of Brown I thought it the perfect little boost to my need for new.  I thought I could fit in a small quilt as I continue to work on quilts-in-progress.  And it's hard to resist brown, one of my favorite colors.  

Here are my 17 4-patch blocks for week one.  There are some really fun fabrics, though they're hard to see in this little photo.

Many, many thanks to Janet of Rogue Quilter, Lizzy of Gone to the Beach, and Wendy of The Constant Quilter for most of the browns and three of the pinks.  At one time or another they've all sent small pieces of fabric from their own stashes.  I'm so grateful.  Thank you! 

I don't usually do mystery quilts but the idea of browns called to me.  (Did I say I love browns?)  Lori showed photos of the browns she sees in the landscape around her house now in September.  Here in Ohio we're still seeing greens, a touch of golds/bronzes/reds, and a few browns.  Our landscape turns brown in the winter.  A quick glance and one can think, Oh, it's so grey outside.  Or It's all brown!  But with a closer look one can see a great array of browns, from very dark to very light and all the shades between and adjacent.

I finished this week's blocks but I'm sorry I'll be out of town next week.  I'll have two weeks' worth of blocks to make the week after.  It shouldn't be too hard because it's a small quilt, right?

Thanks for creating and hosting this sew-along, Lori.



  1. Very lovely, and made special by the gifts from quilting friends. Enjoy your time away.

    1. Thank you, Quilting Babcia.  The browns don't amount to much until there's more of a pattern, I think, but it will be fun to think of my generous blogging friends when I see this quilt. 

      We're headed to the Delmarva peninsula for a week.  It won't be summertime hot but I hope it will be pleasant weather.

  2. Very nice, I am tempted to try this one...your browns are so pretty with the pops of pink and blue...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose.  I hope you'll join in.  I'm not a fan of mysteries but when it's a small quilt that doesn't require too much time I feel like it's worth it for the small amount of material and time invested.

  3. There are pretty blocks. I am tempted to do this too, but I might wait until a few more rounds are revealed.

    1. Thank you, Shasta.  I hope I don't wish I'd waited for a few more weeks to begin.  I just never know whether I'll like mystery quilts or not.  You too, I think?

  4. Nice collection of fabrics in your blocks, Nancy!
    I love the photo below the blocks. Was that from rain or dew?

    1. Thank you, Janet.  Many pieces of that nice collection of fabrics come from you!  I've been saving them.
      The photo was taken in January a few years ago.  It had been raining, just stopped before we went for our walk, so I'm certain those are raindrops.


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