Sunday, June 5, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching Buckeye Beauty & One Monthly Goal

Edited to add One Monthly Goal.  Original post just below.
My One Monthly Goal for June is to quilt two rows across on this quilt which will add eight inches of quilting. 
That will get me to about the middle of the quilt, at which point I'll have to decide whether to continue as I began or turn it 180 degrees and begin at the other end.  I know Baptist Fans quilted from opposite sides was common during the era of quilting bees and it sort of makes sense for this quilt but I am concerned about a shift in the layers even though they've been pin-basted.  On the other hand, fans in only one direction seem to suggest a top and bottom to a quilt.  In the whole scheme of things, it's really no big deal.

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal June Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  This is the link-up that motivates and helps me stay on track with quilting that I could let linger longer than necessary.  Thank you for hosting, Patty.

Original post for Slow Sunday Stitching
This quilt doesn't really have a name, but the arrangement of colors in the block and the arrangement of blocks in the quilt make it a Buckeye Beauty.  I've also seen the block called Jacob's Ladder.
Buckeye Beauty quilt blocks
I'm using DMC size 12 perle cotton to quilt small Baptist Fans, each with four arcs an inch apart.  I usually don't mark fans when I quilt them but this time I'm using pins to mark the arcs.  It seems to work well.  It only takes a minute or two to arrange them and there are no marks to fade.  Quilting would go faster if I spent more time on it.

It has a confusion of reds, from bright to cherry to rose to burgundy, plus corals, pinks, some creamy tones, and an occasional white/off white, and one or two tans. 

I hope you have a good, restful, refreshing Sabbath.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Visit her post to see what other stitchers are creating.  Thank you for hosting, Kathy.


P.S. The purpose of the dual post and links is so I wouldn't be posting the same quilt twice in a row.  It's good enough for one post but not two in a row. Haha.


  1. I love all the confusion of reds. =) The quilting in the Baptist Fan pattern adds a lovely touch.

    1. Thank you, Kim. If I'd had a clear plan before cutting and sewing the blocks it might not have been such a confusion. Baptist Fans are probably my favorite to hand quilt.

  2. I love your quilt. This is one of my favorite blocks. You've inspired me to make one of my own. Hugs

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy.  These blocks are so simple and they can create such impact depending on how they're arranged.  I hope you enjoy making one whenever you do.

  3. Love your Buckeye Beauty, and it sure is! I've been toying with the idea of making one of the good parts of old shirts and muslin. I love old things, and now I'm one too .

    1. Thank you, Grams Jean. I think using shirts for a Buckeye Beauty would be perfect! I'm with you--I like old things and I'm old, too.

  4. So beautiful! Now I have a craving to start quilting some baptist fans!

    1. Thank you, Quilter Kathy. I love Baptist Fans and I particularly like that I don't have to move the hoop to finish one of these. I could have gone one arc more but I'm happy with these. Do you already have a quilt waiting to be quilted with Baptist Fans?

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Debra.  My stitches are as even as I'd like but I'm not yet comfortable with big stitch.  I hope they'll get better as I go along.

  6. Always a pleasure to read your posts, Nancy and see what you are stitching. Love all these colours together and I agree that the Baptist Fans are beautiful quilting lines for it. Happy Stitching from me!

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I think Baptist Fans work for almost any quilt but especially utility-style quilts.

  7. Your quilting is beautiful. Good luck on finishing your OMG. ~~Kathy S.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy S. I'm working on improving the stitch length on those big stitches. No success yet!


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