Monday, August 29, 2022

August OMG Finish, September OMG Goal

My One Monthly Goal for August was to decide on a layout for these coral churn dash blocks and then make enough blocks to complete the layout.  I've decided to set them on-point, without sashing.  (I'm so sorry the beautiful colors never photograph true to the fabric.) 

This will not be the final arrangement of the blocks within the top, though.  I'm tempted to put the lightest blocks in the center, or at least lay it out that way to see what I think.  A quilt called "Blushing Stars" by Louanna Mary Quilt Design caught my eye in a recent Connecting Threads catalog and was the inspiration for putting lights in the center.  Maybe mixed will be the best arrangement....

After I made the decision to set them side-by-side, I awoke early the next morning with the thought, "Oh, no, you can't do that!  Those seams will never press flat.  They need sashing."  I press seams open and it frequently happens that seams with several layers of fabric, like the corners of those half-square triangles, don't press open well.  I decided I'd just have to try it and see.  Here is one seam, both front and back.  (I've just nicked off a point or two.  I hope the rest don't go that way.)

I think the seams and the layers of fabric pressed well.  I have several other blocks with slightly thicker fabric but I think all will be well.

To meet my goal this month I made 11 more blocks but used only 9 of them.  They may be substituted for ones in the photo above.

I'm sure I will continue to have second thoughts about this layout until the top is sewn together.  And then, if I still have second thoughts, maybe I'll just make another top with the same blocks in the same fabrics with a different layout.  Maybe.  Or not, and just move on.

My September One Monthly Goal will be to arrange the blocks, cut side- and corner-setting triangles, and sew the top together.

With the arrangement above, the quilt will measure about 59" x 82".  That's a lot narrow for a quilt so I'm thinking of making the side-setting triangles (on the sides and bottom) larger if I can figure out how to do it.  I feel really challenged by that!  I know they won't look like borders but they'll give the quilt center a wider margin so it's the focus.  What am I missing with this idea?

I'm linking this post to
> One Monthly Goal August Finishes at Elm Street Quilts
> The OMG September Goal Post when it's available 
Thanks so much for hosting, Patty.

Also, I'm making this quilt as part of Chookyblue's Churn Dash Sew-Along.  Visit her blog to see a list of other participants with links to their blogs on her sidebar. 

Thanks so much to you for visiting and reading and, if you choose, leaving a comment. 



  1. So pretty. Regine

  2. What a lovely quilt--I just think those blushing colors are so sweet...
    nice work--love seeing your progress all the way through this one...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much, Julierose.  I've posted so many photos of this quilt, I think we'll all be happy when I move on to the next one!  I think "blushing colors" is a good way to describe them -- not really pink, nor exactly peach, too light to be true coral....

  3. This quilt is so soft and pretty. It will look good regardless of the setting. I know what you mean about the size. The red & white house quilt I sewed recently ended up being 62" X 88". I decided to add a 6" border on the left of the quilt and appliqued words on it. Now it's 66" X 88" is still an odd size but I was ready to be done.

    1. I remember that you added a border along the side of your red and white house quilt and I think it looks great.  Quilt sizes are so challenging sometimes.  The size of the blocks makes a big difference in able able to taylor the size of the quilt.  Those 12' blocks don't give much leeway--either 48", 60", 72" or larger.  Smaller blocks are more adaptable.  I guess the only alternative for larger blocks is to add sashing and borders....  And like you, I am sometimes just done with a quilt (even if the quilt might not be done with me).

      Thanks for your kind words about this quilt, Robin.

  4. I love the soft, delicate feel of these blocks. It will be such a pretty quilt, no matter what size it ends up being. :)

    1. Thank you, Janet! This seems like a girl's quilt but I don't know a girl who would like it. It also seems like a summer quilt--for one of those summer nights (that are few and far between) when the temperatures dip into the 60s.

  5. Popping in via the Churn Dash SAL. I love your blocks... gorgeous soft colours..

  6. Suh a pretty palette that you ae working with. I look forward to seeing the final result.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I've been enjoying these colors now, during the summer.

  7. I love your color choices! Not apropos for farmhouse churndash theme but the soft colors make me think of seashells and dune roses, and summer just perfect.

    Not a fan of on point but this looks good, different for CD blocks.



    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  When I started this quilt I was thinking of summer--light air, pale flowers, etc.  I can see how it makes you think of seashells and dune roses (had to look those up), and, of course, summer.
      As far as on point settings, I have a love/hate relationship with them but the straight set for these seemed choppy to me.  We'll see how the quilt ends up.  Maybe I won't like it and will make another with a straight set.

  8. It's absolutely gorgeous, I like it on point and I think your idea of larger setting triangles would be great.

    1. Thank you, Vicki. I appreciate your encouraging comments.

  9. That's a whole lot of thinking going on! You'll figure it out. Love the corals!

  10. Thank you for the encouragement, Sandy. I appreciate it.


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