Saturday, August 6, 2022

One Monthly Goal for August, 2022

From these fabrics—using more of the lights than the darks—I'll make more churn dash blocks, as many as necessary.  I'm guessing I'll need at least 12.  That's part of my One Monthly Goal for August.
The other part is to decide on the layout for these blocks (straight set, on point, sashing, no sashing, alternate plain blocks, etc.) so I'll know how many more blocks to make.
churn dash quilt blocks in coral/peach/blush/melon/etc.

If I can do that, I'll be set to sew the blocks together for a finished top in September.

We had rain yesterday!  Glorious, beautiful, drenching rain.  It hammered the roof and soaked the ground.  It was so dark we needed lights on to read during the day.
I love a good rainstorm.  I only wish I could send some of our rain to you who have so little this year.

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal August linkup at Elm Street Quilts. Thank you for hosting, Patty.



  1. Such love pinks you have lined up there!!
    I wish you could send the rain onto us, too. Still super hot with "feels like" temps in 100's here!! Today is supposed to be the hottest yet!!
    Meantime, i have finished my Winter Tree page and need to figure out a Title page for the journals...hugs Stay cool Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose.  So many readers call these colors pink, but I see peach/coral/blush/salmon....  It's interesting how differently everyone's eyes see colors, and, of course, there's the transition from real life to camera to computer screen (mine and yours). 
      We're having hot weather, too.  The temperatures are in the 80s and 90s which might be manageable if the humidity and dew point weren't in the 70s and 80s.  Indeed, I'm grateful for air conditioning!

  2. The pinks are so pretty.

    Oh how I d love a good rain storm, prob little or no rain here for months tho. Unless we have a hurricane, but that's a NO!

    1. I'm sorry you have to wait so long for rain, Lizzy! And agreed, we hope no hurricane!

  3. Ahhhh! Rain is so refreshing. I always thought I wanted to get married on a rainy day. It didn't happen but the desert was alive with flowers because we had had a really wet spring. One of my sons (in his wedding pictures) is standing in the alcove at the Bountiful temple with he and his bride under a beautiful blue umbrella. Rain can make everything better. (a good rain - not a deluge)

    1. I agree, Robin. The only time it isn't refreshing here in Ohio is when the humidity is 100% and the dew point is in the 70s or 80s. Then it feels like being in a sauna. That hasn't happened yet this year, thank goodness. A good rain just seems to wash away all the dirt, grime, dullness....
      What fun memories of the flowers on your wedding day and the blue umbrella on your son's.


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