Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Quilting Volunteer Bloom and Berries, December's One Monthly Goal

Talk about deadlines!  Here I am with mere hours before the stroke of midnight, posting my One Monthly Goal for December.  I'm late, but not too late.  And gosh, doesn't time fly?  It seems like 2022 started about a month ago.  How did it get to be December so soon?

I've been steadily quilting my version of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt which I started last month. 
A week or so ago I started Volunteer Bloom and Berries, the block above with the tape across it.  Because I don't know how much time I'll have in December, my goal is to finish hand quilting this block, though I hope to have moved on to another block by month's end.  The possibilities for next blocks are the two below.

This one, Tulips, is to the right of and slightly below the block above.
And this one, Bluebells, is at the right side of the block with tape on it.  The diagonal lines to be stitched from Volunteer Bloom and Berries cross over into both of these.  The blocks are askew because of the quilting hoop and the angle of the photographs.  The sides really are parallel with 90-degree corners.
I've quilted diagonals before but for some reason this feels different.  I don't know if it's because the sashing is larger than usual and the blocks are different sizes or what.  I'm a little nervous that the quilting lines won't line up by the time I'm finished.  I'm doing my best to prevent misalignment from happening.

I'm linking this post to December One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty. 



  1. I did diagonal cross hatch quilting on one of my quilts and unfortunately it is not all lined up. I unpicked some of the background and tried to fix it but without unpicking it all (which I was unwilling to do) but I couldn't get it lined up completely. Amazingly, there's enough going on in the quilt that you don't even notice it. I've since realized what I did wrong so it won't happen again. At least I hope it won't happen again - ha! You're cross hatching looks great - I don't think you'll have any trouble matching it as you go.

    1. What was the mistake you made and realized what you did wrong. Maybe knowing that will help me!
      Thanks for the encouraging words about this quilt not having problems with aligning the quilting lines. I hope you're right, Robin!


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