Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Ocean and a Little Plaid Basket

I love the ocean whatever the weather.  I love that the ocean is always the same, yet always different.  Do you know what I mean?  Our first full day in Florida was deeply overcast with heavy clouds and a brisk wind.  But it was beautiful, warm, and comfortable.  I was surprised at how bright the ocean was even with the clouds above.  I forgot the sun can burn even through the clouds....
The next day was sunny and bright.  We took an umbrella out so I could sit in the shade to watch the water or and read.  It's very relaxing to me to watch the water and waves.  The ocean has such power.
I was surprised to see the waves breaking both far from shore and at the shore.  They were boisterous on Wednesday.

I was also surprised to see rafts of seaweed floating on the waves and littering the beach.  There were very few shells, though plenty of jellyfish tangled with the seaweed.
In my last post I asked if any of you had had experience taking scissors in your bag on an airplane (as opposed to packing them).  Some of you said it was no problem to carry small scissors, others said they'd been confiscated.  I decided to put my scissors in our checked bag on our outgoing flight.  These, below, are the scissors I took.  (I made a little guard for them--mostly to guard everything around them from being poked--using the end of a toothpaste tube and staples.) 
I asked a TSA agent at the airport about scissors and he confirmed that I could carry my scissors with 2" blades in my bag.  On our return flight I put them in my bag and they were not confiscated.  I should mention that the requirements for flying with scissors that I mention are U.S. rules.  If you're flying in another country, check that country's requirements. 

I did no stitching on the beach.  The ocean held my attention but besides that, the wind blew at 15 mph or more and I couldn't imagine trying to keep a thread untangled to sew. 
I stitched in the evening at the hotel, then finished here in Ohio.  I still have to cut out behind the applique pieces.
I'm having trouble getting motivated after relaxing on the beach, and even though it was relaxing, I came home tired.  I think it's the flying that makes me tired.
We arrived home to grey skies and cold weather but yesterday it was sunny and about 70 degrees.  I thought maybe the groundhog was wrong until I noticed that we're to have cold weather again in the next few days.  We had rain today.  It's been an unusual winter.  Onward, onward....

I hope your day and your week have been good.



  1. Glad your back safely and it's good to hear you had a nice relaxing time. Your winter is so different from ours. We keep having day after day in the 20's. It too cold to go walking so 70 degrees sounds marvelous.
    I went to my husband's band dinner last night and the lady I sat by was surprised to hear I quilted. "How do you know what to make - how do you find the patterns?" Well, a good example is your blog. You keep showing me things that are wonderful like these little baskets with the embroidered flowers. I love them! I told her it's not hard to find patterns and that I'm always at least two quilts behind from what my mind wants to work upon.

    1. Thank you for your kind and generous comments about my baskets, Robin.
      It was marvelous to be where there was sun and 70+ degrees for a few days. It was a little boost to get me through the rest of Ohio's grey and (usually) non-snowy winters.
      I think it's true for many of us that we're two (or sometimes more) quilts behind. I guess, for non-quilters, they would wonder where to find patterns and get ideas for quilts. I think some people create in different ways and some may not create at all and wouldn't know where to start.
      If you're still having snow, I hope you enjoy it for me, too!

  2. The ocean is always beautiful, no matter the weather! Some of the most fun we had on the Oregon coast was when a big storm was coming in and we were lucky enough to snag an ocean-front room (and blew the budget for the month doing so) and the surf came right up near the hotel. We kept the sliding door ajar that night so we could hear the waves crashing and used the little fireplace in the room to stay cozy. Your little basket is so charming, someday I might just get roped into doing some applique - just don't hold your breath!

    1. Oh my goodness, your trip to the Oregon coast sounds amazing and wonderful, Pat!  I would have been willing to blow the budget for that experience but I'm not sure my husband would have.  The ocean is always powerful but we see it even more during a storm.  Calm or stormy, the ocean is beautiful, as you say.
      Thank you for your kind words about the basket block.  There are lots of ways to make beautiful quilts and for some, applique is not one of them.  It's not worth appliqueing if you don't/wouldn't enjoy it.

  3. I'm so glad you had this opportunity to relax in Florida, and the trip went well, no loss of scissors. =) I do love the basket.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Florida was fun. It seems ages ago now!
      I was pleased to arrive home with my scissors!

  4. Coming from an island province, it is all about the ocean at home. And you are right, it is curiously the same yet always different and mesmerizing to watch. So happy you had a nice time and flew safely with scissors too.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I think it would be wonderful fun to live near the ocean.

  5. Looks like you had such a wonderful beach getaway. I love the ocean as well, partly for the wonderful sky above it, and the sound of the waves, so soothing. I'm glad your scissor situation worked out!

    1. It was a really nice time, Cynthia.  (And so long ago now!)  My daughter and I were discussing that sometimes on vacation things don't go just right or exactly as planned and, in the moment, it's not fun; but looking back from home, we see all the good times.  That was this trip.
      I'm glad I arrived home with my scissors, too!  I think some of the people who had problems were flying internationally or in different countries where the rules are different. 

  6. Rough seas, looks chilly. Is this the Atlantic side of FL? I know how you love the ocean.

    The plaid baskets are darling. You do get used to sewing in high winds at the beach over time. Short threads, pin everything to your beach blanket etc. I even have reading glasses RX w a dark tint, sunglasses for sewing. But I ll never forget making J Patek's Pokeberry, hand sewing the berries all summer. One day a big gust of wind caught me unprepared and all the purple wool dots flew away down the beach. A couple of kind young men chased them and brought them proudly back to as I stood flapping my hands uselessly.

    1. Yes, we were on the Atlantic side of Florida, Lizzy.  That first grey day, looking out from the hotel, I thought it might be cool, but it wasn't.  The lowest temperature was about 70 degrees and the highest about 79.  Really comfortable, and the rough seas were all the more interesting to watch because of the waves. 
      Thanks for your kind comment about the baskets.  When I thought about taking the stitching out, the only way I could imagine even trying it was to cut threads about 12-14" long.  If I were there often I'm sure I would figure out a way to stitch on the beach but since I get to the ocean so infrequently, I just enjoy it.
      What an experience for you with Pokeberry.  How kind of those young men to recover them for you!


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