Friday, March 3, 2023

Use It Up and 25-Patch Blocks

Edited to add: Commenting is open on this post now. Somehow the comments were turned off. So sorry because I love hearing from you, dear readers.
You know the phrase about money burning a hole in someone's pocket?  Money doesn't do that to my pocket but it seems fabric burns a hole in my... well, not my pocket, exactly.  Maybe my shelf, so to speak.  For the past few years, along about January, some group of fabric comes to mind that's been around too long and I decide I want to use it up.  (If you look at the stack, below, you'll realize that I might not be able to use up all that fabric in one quilt.)   
This year, a stack of black and grey plaids from shirts were burning a hole on my shelf.  I bought these years ago before I knew what shirts would work for quilting fabric.  The fabric is fine but I wasn't sure about putting the plaids together--the plaids themselves, the variety of plaids, and the shades.  But hey, they needed to be used up in a quilt or quilts.

Then there was the search for a pattern.  Plaids sometimes don't play well together and can overwhelm a quilt.  When I saw this pattern, Friendship House, at Shopgirl Quilts, my first thought was, Oh, I can use those plaids in place of sewing all the little squares together.  Of course I neglected to consider the size difference between the squares in the quilt pattern and the tiny squares in my plaids.  I chose red and tan for the alternate blocks and sewed a few.
Needless to say, the result was underwhelming if not downright awful.  Now I have four red and tan blocks to begin another quilt.  Maybe alternate blocks, either applique or pieced, will work.

Back to considering more options for the grey plaids.  Maybe a 16-patch block?  Or a 25-patch block?  With fabrics in the deep coral range?  I hemmed and hawed, indecisive.  I thought the colors would be fine together but I wasn't sure about the plaids together.  Except I knew I didn't have enough of any one plaid for a whole quilt.  So I made a few 25-patch blocks (because I decided I like the symmetry of them and they would be more versatile).
When I look at photos of old quilts online or in books, I admire the ones with exquisite, perfect applique or piecing, but the ones that touch my heart are the ones that look like the quilter scrimped and saved pieces of fabric, used what she had, and created something charming (even if not beautiful) to keep someone in her family warm during the winter.  Looking at the first three 25-patch blocks, they gave me that impression. 

I made some more and put them on the wall.  (And took a poor photo that shows inaccurate colors because it's been greyer than grey and rainy all day....)  I don't think the blocks work side-by-side.  I think they need sashing.
When I saw them at night, my heart sank.  They looked so dark and dull.  But I finished the ones that were in progress and took a look this morning.  Maybe the plaids will be okay together.  Maybe the mix of corals will be okay.  Maybe.... What do you think?

Then I tried a possible layout.
I think the blocks definitely need sashing, either pieced as above, or one piece.  Not black, though.  Maybe solid grey?  Or tan?  Or. . .?

Here are a few more blocks with different plaids.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about the combination of plaids and the coral colors, layout, sashing fabric/color, etc.

We had grey skies and drenching rain today.  Can you see the puddles of water in the lower left of the photo and in the driveway?  It was wonderful--a great day for a nap, an old movie, or a good book.   I sewed and took photos.  We have a flood warning tonight.  I wish I could send some of our rain to Utah and other states recovering from drought.
I also wish it had rained last night.  I love sleeping with a hard rain hammering the roof.

I'm linking this post to
> Finished or not Friday at Alycia Quilts
> Peacock Party at Wendy's Quilts and More
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Thank you for hosting, ladies.

Wishing you all the best!


  1. Nice blocks! I do like the sashing to make the blocks stand out.

    1. Thank you, Judy.  I think I like the blocks better with sashing than without, too.

  2. That's a lot of plaid fabric. I've heard of the Shopgirls. They make things for Country Sampler in Spring Green Wisconsin. The one place in Wisconsin I never got to go to - sigh~ I occasionally go to CS online to look at the new items for sale.
    I know the quilts you mean when you say they 'touch your heart'. For me it's usually the utility quilts because you don't have to be careful with a utility quilt. You can lay on it, sit on it, take it on a picnic, wrap up in it at a football game or take it camping. It's a quilt to be loved and used used used. I like the coral and plaid together. I like it with fabrics that read more solid than the floral ones. But then, that's just me. I agree, it probably needs sashing but I'm at a loss for any suggestions. You'll figure it out, you have good color sense.
    Sorry you're getting so much rain all at once. Thanks for thinking of us Westerners.

    1. It IS a lot of plaid, Robin.  I think there are 6 or 7 shirts there!  Thanks for your thoughts on the coral fabrics.  I like the more solid-looking corals, too, but I don't have too many of them.  I probably won't make more blocks with that large, light flower print.  I think it looks better up close than at a distance.  Besides that, I bought that shirt when I wasn't testing fabrics with a needle and it will be a little hard to quilt through.  I'm hoping not to have to buy more corals to finish this quilt, since it's a "use it up" quilt!
      After I have more blocks finished I'll start playing with sashing options.  I'm thinking grey might work but I don't know.
      I looked up ShopGirls and I love their quilts.  They are homey, comfortable ones.  Thanks for pointing me in their direction.  It's sad you missed going to Country Sampler when you were in Wisconsin.  I occasionally look at their magazines if I have to wait in line at the grocery store and they are handy.  So many wonderful things for sale!
      Yes, the quilts I love most are what I assume or think of as utility quilts that are so appealing to me.  They are just exactly as you describe--can go anywhere.

  3. Lovely blocks, not my kind of color combination. But I know you'll make something wonderful. No to sashing. If it was my challenge, I d use a mix up of all the grey plaids, and make bright, really bright! Schoolhouse blocks w yellow windows. I'd use those scraps you showed us a few weeks ago. I'd call it Rainy Pavements in Ohio/ March....[you asked!]

    Now I know who to ask when I need plaid shirtings, lol
    PS a fun idea for the 25's might be a variation of a 16 patch I work on now and then. The edges have prim applique, moons and stars, planets, flowers.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts about these blocks, Lizzy. I guess these colors together are a little unusual. For the most part, the plaids seem to read more as grey from a distance. And if I'm not careful I could end up with a quilt that looks Halloween-ish. (Not a fan!)
      I'm intrigued by your idea of schoolhouse blocks and the bright scraps.
      The link in your comment took me to a board of mixed pins, not just quilts and not a 16-patch, but I would love to see the quilt you mentioned with the prim applique.

  4. I really like these blocks. They do hearken back to the Make Do kind of quilts I love. And I like the floral prints. Makes me think of grandma's old apron and grandpas old shirts being cut up to make a quilt. ;).
    Actually, I like them next to each other, but if you want sashing, I would maybe try a medium grey solid, or a soft coral solid. And I don't think I would put any piecing in the sashing. That is just what I would try to start with. But I think you are on the right track.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about these blocks, Janet. If only I had some of my grandfather's shirts and my grandmother's aprons!
      I'll probably go with sashing but I'll have to wait till I finish more blocks to decide. Part of me likes the black sashing and part of me thinks it's too strong and dramatic. I'll try grey and some other colors, too.

  5. I do like the coral fabrics with the plaids, and yes to sashing, maybe just plain black or charcoal gray? I love the "homespun" make-do effect of using all those plaids and checks together. Whatever you decide, have fun with it!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about these blocks, Pat. There has been such a variety of responses. I'm pleased to read that a few others like the coral and plaids together, too.

  6. I really like your 25 patch coral and B/W plaid blocks! Keep making them! I am not at all convinced that you need a sashing, but if you do go that route, I think something less stark than black as the black is too dominant. I look forward to seeing how this develops.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts about these blocks, Gladi. I don't know what I'll decide about sashing but I agree that the black is probably too dramatic for these blocks. I'll make some more blocks, then play with possiblities.

  7. I love all plaids haha!!! So you could sash them - but then put them on point for a unique view - then pick a solid for the setting triangles - or you can make more 25 patch blocks in the opposite colorways and see what they would look like all together.

    1. Thanks, Alycia. I love the plaids, too! Yes, I thought about an on-point setting, too, and will try that layout when I have more blocks made. Opposite colorway is an interesting idea. Maybe I'll try a few and see what I think.

  8. I LOVE all those plaids and corals set right together! It has a very old-time look to it, and it's wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I think sashing is winning right now but it's too soon to tell for sure. I need to make more blocks and then lay them out several ways before deciding.


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