Friday, April 28, 2023

April's One Montly Goal Finish

My One Monthly Goal for April was to make specific progress on my version of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt:  outline the tulips, leaves, and vase; finish the diagonal quilting on that block; and quilt diagonal lines in the border and sashing until I reached the morning glories.  (Just to say, I find straight line quilting oh so boring.)
tulips block in Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt

I think you can see the quilting in the photos above and below. 

In the photo below, it's hard to tell, but the last diagonal quilting line on the left reaches the bottom of the morning glories block.
tulips and morning glories blocks in Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt

I still have about a third of the quilt to hand quilt--the three blocks on the lower left and the block on the lower right, plus sashing and borders.  I usually start quilting in the center and work outward but with these diagonal lines, it was a little challenging to do that, hence the lower unquilted blocks. 
Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt

I'm guessing I'll be quilting this for another few months.  I'm looking forward to finishing it.

I'm linking this post to April One Monthly Goal Finish at Elm Street Quilts.  Thank you for hosting, Patty and Anne-Marie.


P.S. It seems that sometimes Blogger is not forwarding comments to my email.  If I have your email address, I'll send my response directly to you but if I don't have your email address, I'll respond to your comment here on the blog.  Thanks for your comments.  I so appreciate them!


  1. What a pretty sampler! You're making good progress.

    1. Thank you, Nann. It's slowly coming along but progress is progress, no matter how slow, right?

  2. You are making great progress! I find straight line hand quilting fastest. LOL. This is such a great "Prim" quilt!

    1. LOL. I think you may be right that straight line quilting is fastest, Janet. I think this is challenging because the lines go from border to border, so it's both challenging and boring. LOL. On the other hand, straight line quilting doesn't demand as much attention as some quilting patterns. One of these months it will be finished.

  3. Beautiful quilt, and only four blocks left to go! I do love this one.

    1. Thank you, Susan.  I go back and forth between loving this quilt and just liking it.  Either way, I'll be thrilled when it's finished.

  4. This quilt looks so great. It's going to be a real treasure. I enlarged the picture of your quilt and the fabric you chose for the pineapple it terrific! I hope to quilt my version of this quilt before next year but . . . we'll see if that happens. When I finally finish quilting my "When the Cold Wind Blows" quilt I'll probably work on a smaller quilt first so I can have it finished sooner. Are you using a hoop, I forgot.

    1. Thanks, Robin.  I had to look to see what fabric I used for the pineapple.  I deliberated a while because it seemed just a little dark, but I thought the other aspects of the fabric worked well. 
      I think that's a great idea to quilt something smaller after finishing a large quilt.  It will keep the enthusiasm high.

  5. Gorgeous, your beautiful quilting really brings this project to life.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. I've been going through the "I love it, I don't love it" phases. It's just such a quirky quilt....


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