Friday, April 14, 2023

Coral and Plaid 25-Patch Quilt Top

coral and black plaid 25-patch quilt
I finished this top last Thursday.  I like everything about it except the slight buckling in some of the sections of sashing.  My quarter-inch seams must be a little off.  I think--hope!--it will quilt out.
coral and black plaid 25-patch quilt
I always forget how grey the plaids look from afar when they look so black up close when I'm cutting and sewing.  They give such a muted look.  The top measures about 58" x 82".  It will be great for a tall, thin person, or someone who likes to tuck a quilt under his/her feet for a nap.

Here are a few close-ups of blocks that are a little scrappier than the others.  I think the colors in these photos are most accurate.
coral and black plaid 25-patch quilt block
coral and black plaid 25-patch quilt block
coral and black plaid 25-patch quilt block
And this is one of the intersections where blocks and sashing meet, putting five different plaids together.  I love that scrappy look!

I am sorrier than you know that these photos are so awful.  I took my little Canon PowerShot A560 camera to the repair shop today.  The fellow took some photos with it and declared it fine.  He seemed disinterested and almost dismissive.  Being pressed for time, I neglected to mention that the lack of clarity happens when the photos are enlarged.  It's true it's an older camera, bought in 2006 or 2007, and it's had a good run but I can't help think that there are some simple adjustments that will bring the clarity back.  Maybe I'll get in touch with Canon. 

We are deeply into spring here in central Ohio.  All but the highest trees have leafed out so we have green all around us.  There are plenty of flowers in bloom, too.  The grape hyacinths are at their peak.  The daffodils will begin to fade soon.  And the violets are just beginning to bloom.  It's wonderful to awake to birdsong!  Perhaps I can share some photos soon.

I'm linking this post to
> Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts
> Peacock Party at Wendy's Quilts and More
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Put your foot down at For the Love of Geese
> Off the Wall Friday at Nina's blog
> Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict

I hope your spring weather is wonderful--or fall weather if you're in the southern hemisphere.



  1. I just adore this!!! What a lovely plaid quilt!

    1. Thank you so much, Julie. I'm glad you like it. I know how you love plaids!

  2. Pretty finish for your top. Spring is awakened here too, three days in the 80s and perhaps today as well. I am awakened most mornings by three or four crows in the elm tree outside the window - what a racket they make!

    1. Thank you, Pat.  I love crows and enjoy their cawing but I'm not so sure I would like to hear them in the morning when I'm not quite awake yet. 

  3. Your quilt turned out very well, Nancy. I love to be able to tuck the blanket up under my feet when I nap, :)
    Not really enjoying Spring yet in our little valley. We get a warm day and then we cool off and have snow again. My daffodils are still just poking through the ground, and we have another snowstorm forecast for Tuesday.

    1. Thank you, Janet. It almost wouldn't be a nap with the quilt tucked under my feet. (IMHO, anyway.)
      I'm so sorry your spring hasn't quite arrived yet. It will come! I love snow but I'm not sure how I'd feel about it continuing into April!

  4. Delightful! I love the secondary pattern of the sashing's cornerstones. And up close the fabrics are so interesting.

    No leaves on trees here but had a couple ok days. Dense fog now tho.



    1. Such sweet comments, Lizzy.  Thank you.  (I know these colors aren't top of the list of likes for you.)  I'm pleased with the secondary pattern.  I wasn't sure how it would work but I think it's fine.
      How's your weather these days?  Still fog?  Still cool?  Do you see green anywhere--close to the ground, on shrubs and bushes, or in the trees?  From the comments it seems like spring is arriving at very different times across the country.

  5. Wow, disinterested in business? I wonder if the owner knows that! There are quite likely things you could adjust. I do like the final plaid quilt. You made good decisions in spite of all of our advice. LOL!

    1. Strangely, it was the owner who was helping me, Susan. My little PowerShot was probably not worth this time. I called Canon and they said they have discontinued support for my camera; then I checked with several other camera places but not luck for help. It's so sad because I love my camera!
      LOL. And thank you. I can't remember if I ignored everyone's advice or used some of it.

  6. "Macro" on/ off? "Landscape" / long view on/off? Lenses polished clean?

    1. Yes, I checked all of those, Lizzy. Thanks for the suggestions because they are things I might not have thought to check, especially cleaning the lens.

  7. What a striking quilt! It looks very vintage.

    1. Chris, yours is my favorite comment! I was going for the vintage look. Thank you!

  8. That is a beautiful scrap quilt. I've quit using a camera and just use my iPhone. It isn't the newest (and it isn't all that old either) but it takes decent pictures. I use the Apple Photos to edit them -- crop and brighten mostly. I'd also check the size of the photos. Mine today was 1.9 mb which means it is pretty detailed. It might be that your camera doesn't have to ability to take as detailed pics so they would be fuzzy when enlarged. But, the service you got was awful. I hope you can figure out how you can get better pictures.

    1. Thank you, Bonnie.
      I have been trying to use my cell phones (not iPhones) but my success is limited. I think I don't hold the camera still enough. I called several camera shops for help with my PowerShot but to no avail. Canon has discontinued support for that model and the shops don't have the equipment or programs to help now, either. Someone suggested that the camera has taken photos the same way since I got it but that my computer has changed/improved, but I'm using the same computer I've been using for five or six years. I'm probably going to have to get a new camera (and I don't like change much). Ah, well. I'll keep working with my cell phones.

  9. Lovely quilt top! It already looks comfy cozy. I'm sure anything you don't love will quilt out, as you say;). I hope you find a solution to your camera woes but to my eye your photos are fine! Glad you are enjoying springtime. I am loving every minute of springtime in NC.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia.  I like your positivity that the ruffles will quilt out.  I can only hope and quilt carefully when it comes time to quilt it. 
      My camera problems continue, with no resolution in sight other than buying a new camera.  I've been using my cell phone but it seems I can't hold it still enough.  I'll have to practice, I guess.

  10. Oh Beautiful quilt!!! Love how you did the sashing!! its awesome.
    Be persistent at the camera shops.... they tend to *know* everything and forget to tell it to us!

    1. Thank you, Alycia!
      Canon has discontinued support of this camera and I haven't found a shop yet that can help. Imagine my sad face because I love this camera. I may have to buy a new camera.

  11. This quilt is so classy looking. I'm so glad you figured out what would look best. It needed to be made. Shops don't cater to camera repair much anymore. I'm sure it's because technology changes so fast but it is discouraging. I have a sweet little camera that I don't use at all because I can't get it to download on my computer.

    1. Thank you, Robin. 
      I contacted Canon about my little PowerShot and learned that they've discontinued support   I've contacted some camera shops, too, who can't help, either, so I'm probably going to have to get a new camera, which is sad because I love this little one.
      I've had trouble downloading photos to my computer, too, and learned that sometimes the cord is the problem.  I've switched cords and had success downloading.  You may have already tried that but if not, maybe it will work.  It's sad when a favorite camera won't work.


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