Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Links to Enjoy #9

Who knew the insides of musical instruments look like architecture?!  I think these are fascinating photos of instruments--pipe organ, piano, violin, clarinet, double bass, guitar, flute, saxophone--taken by Charles Brooks.

I'm a sucker for aerial photographs. Some of these photos of olive groves remind me of fabric.

Feather by feather:  beautiful birds created of hand-cut paper that has been water-colored specifically for each bird.

We call them lightening bugs here in Ohio but some people call them fireflies.  Radim Schreiber photographs fireflies.  Read an interview with Schreiber here.

I appreciate Schreiber's advice (from his interview) which I find to be generally true in my own life (not about fireflies but about anything that looks too hard):
[Before I became a firefly photographer], I thought it would be too difficult to chase fireflies around. Maybe I thought I would fail.  [But] people should definitely take the first steps, even though there may be lots of unknowns and lots of fear.  What’s holding us back is sometimes just ourselves.

These tiny paintings on vintage paint swatch booklets are surprising, amazing, delightful....  I love little and these are definitely little.  I especially like her country scenes and her little birds.  See close-ups at the artist's website here and here.

If you happen to like dolls-- 6¼" hand-carved, jointed, wooden dolls, to be exact--you may enjoy this post in which the Quimper Hittys have their own cheese-rolling event.  Those girls!  They make me laugh.  (More about the Gloucester Cheese Rolling, a.k.a.  the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake here.  Yes, it's really a thing!)

That's enough fun for this post!  I hope you find something to enjoy.



  1. As always I so enjoyed this post. The interiors of the musical instruments astounded me. I had no idea. However did someone imagine and create such a thing. The tiny paintings are a delight. And the dolls' adventure made me laugh, I had just been reading about this odd custom, what a funny old thing to do. Thanks so much.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, Lizzy. That cheese rolling is a very odd custom, isn't it?

  2. and the lightning bugs, magical!

  3. I am in a group with Hitty, too, and always love what she does with her dolls. The olive gardens gave me a more complete idea of Jesus's time and orchards. Thanks for that. The swatch books are interesting. I used to have my nails done by an amazing artist who could paint tiny pictures on them. I loved that and it made me feel so special and pampered. Great shares, as always.

    1. Thanks, Susan. Oh, yes, it's the scrap group, right? I was in that for a few months and that's where I found Quimper Hittys. She makes the best Hitty dolls!
      I enjoy miniatures and think it's amazing what nail artists can paint on such small surfaces.


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