Friday, September 22, 2023

A Sweet Gift and Scrappy Stars #7-9

I was the recipient of a lovely blogiversary gift of Kim Diehl's book, Simple Double-Dipped Quilts, and four fat quarters of Kim's delicious creamy fabrics from Mary who blogs at Quiltin' Grandma's Blog.
I've never made a quilt from one of Kim's patterns but I like them a lot.  And I think her fabrics are delightful.  One of the quilts in this book is calling my name....  Thank so much for the generous gifts, Mary. 
 Below are my versions of this week's Scrappy Stars for Taryn's Scrappy Star Stitchalong.  First are Taryn's photos and descriptions, then my versions with comments. 

Block #7 Scrappy Star Stitchalong Block #7 What an interesting block with the two green corner squares at the top and two different colors in the bottom corners, plus the upper center square turned so the star points are brown. 
  That green fabric in the original is beautiful.  I rarely seen greens like that in reproduction fabrics.  The fabric I used is the closest in color that I have.
  The photo of the original block looks like some of the triangles are very pink, but the same fabric is used in other blocks and looks more red.  For consistency I used the fabric I've been using.
  About that top center quarter-square triangle block with the star points turn the wrong way...  Oops.  (I assume it was a mistake on the maker's part and she didn't want to change it.)  Anyway, I just couldn't do it....  So I have eight red/reddish star points.

Block #8 Scrappy Star Stitchalong Block #8 This was a fairly easy block with corner squares of the same fabric and the same blue in the four blocks.  I don't have a great selection of grey print fabric so I had to search a little to come up with these.  I also did not have a sketchy blue stripe similar the one in the center block. 
  In truth, when this quilt is finished, I don't think anyone will look at it and say, "Oh, you missed that fabric by a long shot," primarily because I don't think anyone who sees this finished quilt will have seen photos of the original.  It's all good.

Block #9 Scrappy Star Stitchalong Block #9 Oh my goodness, what a scrappy star!  Those points are all over the place.  I came up shorthanded on brown plaids so substituted a red and tan plaid for the right upper star point.  I actually think I like it a little better.... 
  Taryn said the upper corner blocks have a teal background.  I had nothing similar so I substituted a print with a different blue background than is used throughout the rest of the quilt.

These are the current quilt bloggers I know who are participating and creating a wonderful variety of stars with beautiful fabrics: 
   > Barb at Fun with Barb
   > Jeanne at Spiral
   > Linda at Koka Quilts
   > Tazzie at Tazzie Quilts
   > Wendy at The Constant Quilter
   > Katy at KatyQuilts
   > Kathleen at A Sentimental Quilter
   > Cynthia at wabi-sabi quilts
See non-bloggers' blocks on Instagram using #scrappystarstitchalong.

I have been watching the weather along the Atlantic coast, especially the Delmarva Peninsula, because that's where I'll be next week.  Ophelia is headed that way, or may have touched down already, and I don't know how long the rain and winds will last.  Last week the weather app on my phone suggested rain three days out of the week, then earlier this week it was down to two days of rain, and now it's up to rain all week with temperatures in the high 60s and speedy winds!  Thank goodness rain's not predicted at 100% any of the days we'll be there.  I bought a poncho today and my daughter reserved an ocean view room.  At least if it's raining we'll be able to watch it straight on, though I hope we'll be out and about and on the beach more than in the hotel room.

I hope your week's been good.


  1. Love the fabrics you have chosen, especially the blue background floral. Look forward to hearing about your seaside vacation. Hope the weather is wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Robin. Fabrics are a bit of a challenge for these blocks but it's fun to search.
      I just posted about our trip to the ocean. We stayed only two days--the weather was cool, grey, windy, and rainy! But we had one day with some sun, so it was all good.

  2. I hope you get great beachcombing weather after the storm. I recall after a huge storm finding wonderful conch shells at Assateague Island. Sadly they disappeared during one of our many moves back in the day. I love the star blocks you are creating for the stitch along, especially the last one. That one especially appears like the quilter is just having fun with her creation, a good thing in any quilt!

    1. Thank you, Pat. It was a cool, grey, rainy, windy week and we didn't find many shells on the beach. (I was hopeful after your comment, but no, not this time.) I'm so sorry your shells were lost in moves. It's sad when that happens.
      Thank you for your kind comments about my star blocks. I have so many thoughts about who this quilter might have been and how she made her choices of fabrics for the blocks. I agree, I think she had fun.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.