Sunday, November 26, 2023

Basting a Stem & a New Song I Love

If I have minutes to slow stitch today, preparing this stem for one of the flowers on my Bramble Blooms center is my priority.   I haven't mastered turned edge applique so will baste the edges.
getting ready to prepare a flower stem for applique for Bramble Blooms
The flowers are large, almost flamboyant, and I argue with myself whether to make calmer, smaller, more static flowers.  Maybe mine aren't "improv-y" enough....  Myself and I are still having that discussion so we'll see soon how it turns out.

I first heard this song a few weeks ago.  I couldn't hear the words but thought the music haunting and ethereal.  The tune stayed with me.  Just this week I learned the title of the song, listened again, then looked up the lyrics.  For its pure beauty, I'm sharing it here. 

It makes me think of lullabies I've known with its gentle, soothing tune, and comforting words to encourage peaceful sleep.  Lyrics are here if you want to read along.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Kathy.



  1. I love the red fabric you have chosen for your flower, its just the perfect color of red. Your applique looks great to me. It seems like you do curved applique very well. The background fabric you have chosen is very different and intriguing. What is it? The song was beautiful. I've been a fan of Allison Kraus for years. I'm glad you included a link to the lyrics, just beautiful

    1. Thank you, Robin.  The red leans just slightly toward orange, as opposed to cherry red.  The background fabric is a very old linen dishcloth.  It's on a 13" x 18" board I use when I want to take photos of smaller things.  It's not the background for my Bramble Blooms center.  I just laid the flower and stem on it to take a photo.
      I first discovered Alison Kraus years (maybe decades) ago when our pbs TV station showed "Down from the Mountain."  I was enthralled with her voice.  Very beautiful.  So glad you enjoyed the song.

  2. Why is it that we always second guess ourselves? I love that flower.

    1. Thank you, Cathie. I think second-guessing is second nature when you don't have a mind's eye. I can't envision how things will look until I see them. I wonder, though, if trying out different colors, arrangements, sizes, etc., is all part of the auditioning process when making a quilt without a pattern. I would love to know beforehand that my choices were just right!

  3. Oh Nancy, it seems we're both in the same quandary of second guessing ourselves. Just this afternoon I scrapped my current ideas and made another major change. There is hope for us yet!

    1. I'm so sorry, Pat.  This is a challenging quilt-along, isn't it?  I hope you didn't have anything stitched yet!
      I wonder if what we're calling second guessing is part of the auditioning process when we're creating a quilt without a pattern.  This color, that color?  This arrangement or that?  This shape or another?  For me, I have to see it before I can have an idea what it will look like.
      Yes, absolutely, there is hope!  After all, we're learning a new skill/method/way to create and we can't expect to get it right the first time, can we?

  4. Thanks for the recommendation of the song! I love it!

    1. You're welcome, Karrin. I'm glad you love it.

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you're feeling ready to tiptoe forward with your Bramble Blooms!

    1. Strangely, it feels less like tiptoeing than jumping in. So many decisions. Such challenges, but fun along the way, too.

  6. You are off to a good start! It is just fabric and thread and you can change it up if you want. It will be no surprise to you that I am working on a second center applique. Such an absolutely beautiful song, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Rebecca.  That's so true about it being fabric and thread.  It's just that for me it takes so long to come up with ideas and then make decisions....
      Actually, I am surprised that you're making a second center applique.  I'll look forward to seeing it!  Do you think you will have trouble choosing which to use?
      You're welcome for the song.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  7. Did my long comment go lost? Spam? I love this!

    1. Yes, your first long comment seems to have disappeared, Lizzy.  I'm always so sorry when that happens because I know the second comment (I have to type) is usually much less than the first.  Still, thanks for sending the second comment.  I appreciate it.


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