Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Links to Enjoy #17 (for the Holidays)

Here's a short list of links for the week before Christmas.

This is a video from Apple showing what can happen when compassion overtakes other emotions.
Read more here.

When Christmas Isn't the Most Wonderful Time of the Year is a poignant, tender post about dealing with past losses at Christmas time.

100 stocking stuffers that will actually be appreciated.  There's something for everyone on this list.

Could this be Santa in a 1598 map?  It sure looks like it to me.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas or a Merry-Whatever-You-Celebrate!



  1. Santa on that antique map is amazing! So ancient, when we are told Santa is a Victorian meme. I'll be back later to read the other links, thanks so much.

    Merry Christmas


    1. The Santa-looking character on the antique map isn't Santa, LIzzy.  It would be fun if it were, though.  Actually, Santa was just pre-Victorian, according to the website, which suggests Santa appeared in 1809 and 1823.   At the website it says,
      "This is not a mythical Santa but a Samoyed. The narrative account of Barentsz’s voyage describes their sleds with “one or two hartes [deer] in them, that runne so swiftly with one or two men in them, that our horses were not able to follow them."In fact, depictions of Santa with reindeer and sleigh first appeared much later, in Washington Irving’s satirical A History of New York (1809) and Clement Moore’s “A Visit from St. Nicholas” (1823)." 
      Merry Christmas to you, too.

  2. I wish I'd discovered Ivan's Hinge (in the stocking stuffer link) sooner. I would have got one for my husband. He loves those kind of puzzles.

    1. Robin, maybe you could buy him one for his birthday? I guess I should have published the link in early December, huh?


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